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It had been 2 months since Amy woke up. She had to spend another week in hospital under observation and then Ty took her home.
John and Jim gave out a press release between them explaining everything and the reasons why they had left Amy's demise up to the media's imagination.

Lou organized a party at their Ranch which gave everyone a chance to get to see how big a ranch they had and all the horses . Tim wasn't invited, not because he wasn't Amy's father as Amy only knew him for about 7 years and he didn't treat her the way a father should, he wasn't invited because Lou didn't want any trouble and he wasn't liked as a person anyway.
Victor was there and other Family members as well as all Amy's friends.

Amy was recovering well and was seeing a counsellor. She'd also been to see a Hypnotist but whether any of them  helped they didn't know, but her outlook to life had changed and Ty was finally seeing the Amy he knew, so maybe it had helped, or was it Amy's two Guardian Angels.

Amy was looking to the future and thinking about starting not just a Horse Jumping School but also a Barrel Racing School. Many had shown interest in both Ventures.
Her and Ty were closer than ever and were like a couple of teenagers.


6 months had passed and Ty And Amy were better than ever.
Lou had mentioned to Jack n Lisa how good things were as she had obviously noticed between the young couple.
Kayden was glad to have his Mummy back home .
Amy had said to Ty that not having to worry about a certain person meant so much , she felt free for the first time in a long time.
They had been enjoying Trail rides every day and some of the rides turned out to be quite X rated in their own secluded spots they had, especially as they had over 2000 acres to roam.
Amy was going into town to do some shopping and asked Ty if he needed anything which he said no , he was seeing a client tomorrow so he would check his stock levels and get whatever the next day.
She went up and gave him a kiss which lasted some time then set off.
Ty couldn't get over what it was like to have his Amy back, he new something happened to her when she started glowing,  but only he remembered seeing it and it felt good.

Amy arrived in Hudson and decided she had time to do her shopping first then went to Maggie's for a Decafe coffee, Lou had recently started to sell them as more people were changing to it or cutting down on the caffeine.
Why are you on the decafe amy Lou asked, Oh I thought I'd see what it tastes like.
Lou looked at her, being how observant Lou was at picking things up, "It's so good to see you back to normal sis. " I feel great Lou.
They carried on talking for a while longer then Amy said she needed to get going, one more thing to do then pick up Kayden and go home. Bye Lou., Bye Amy....
Amy made her way over to Dr Virani's for her appointment, booked in and took a seat. She noticed she was being looked at which was quite normal after everything that had happened.
Eventually she was called in.
Hello Amy, and what can I do for you.
Hello Dr Virani, Well I've been feeling a little bit off and I'd like you to check if I'm pregnant. I haven't used one of those stick things.
Okay then let's do a Urine test and a blood test. She gave Amy a small bottle and asked her to give her a sample, so Amy headed for the wash room and did her sample. She handed it over to Dr Varani and took a seat. A few minutes later she came back in and asked amy how long they'd been trying and she said 2 years.
Well according to the urine test , Congratulations Amy your Pregnant.
Amy's jaw dropped and a big smile spread across her face.
Let's take that blood test now okay.
How far gone do you think I Am. Well I suspect your about 2 months gone. I'll let you know when I get the results back , hopefully tomorrow afternoon.

Amy set off up the road to the printers and got a White T shirt with Black writing,," Baby on Board" with an arrow pointing down to her Tummy.
She couldn't wait to see Ty's face.

She set off to pick up Kayden then back home, To cook dinner.
Amy decided to cook a special meal for them tonight, after all it was going to be very special.
Ty came in on time as he usually did and dinner was on the table.
They sat down, but before Amy started to dish up she stood saying that she was really warm. She turned just enough so Ty couldn't see the front of her T shirt and took off her top. When she turned around she just stood there for a minute and saw the look on Ty's face.
REALLY, he said , Amy was nodding her head up and down and Ty ran round to her and gave her such a loving Kiss and then held her in his arms.
When he let go and looked at her amy could see the tears rolling down his face, he was overcome with happiness and that just made Amy start to cry too.
They got themselves together and carried on with dinner. After they'd tidied up Amy gave Kayden a bath and he was soon fast asleep.
Amy and Ty sat on the sofa infront of the fire holding and kissing each other. They were both on cloud 9.
They decided to wait to tell family till she was 20 weeks or just over and hopefully they would know by then whether they were having another boy or Hopefully a little Girl.

To be continued

Danger Returns- Who Can You Truly Trust. Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now