Caught in the Crosshairs

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Amy woke up and turned over to cuddle the Love of her life but his side of the bed was empty, still warm so Ty hadn't been up long. As she was still naked from the night before she decided to take a quick shower and get dressed, thankful for the Ensuite .
Amy wasn't going to dwell on whether  they were successful last night, nature  would soon let her know and she needed to stop stressing about it. 
On her way to the kitchen she could smell breakfast and she was hungry.
"Morning hun" she said as she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a lingering kiss.
"Hungry "Ty said. "Oh yes ,you wore me out last night. " she said with a smile. 
Amy asked Ty to pass her medication to her.
Are you feeling okay Amy,  Yes it's just my balance is off a bit today. I'm due to see the Specialist next month. So I'll mention it again. They sat at the table and had their breakfast then got ready for the day ahead.


Tim was out driving to Okatoks to see about a couple of Cutting Horses but was trying to think who he could get to fix them if they had any problems when he saw this very Large Ranch just cutting into the Forrest and thought to himself that they must be quite wealthy for a spread like that, even the Ranch House looked expensive.  He pulled over as he'd  not been along this road for probably 10 years and this Ranch didn't look that old, in fact it looked fairly new.
He walked along the fence and looked through the trees when a gap turned up, not big, but enough to see through and saw 2 very large Barns, Hay Barn , a Large looking indoor Arena and a Veterinary Clinic. There were 2 or 3 circular corals and further back Paddocks Full of Horses. He finally got to where these Large Gates were but his blood ran cold when he saw the name of the Ranch. He then saw the Boarding,,
"Healing Horses Healing Hearts Horse Sanctuary.
The Marion Fleming Equine Trust.
He looked at all the Security attached to the Ranch then ran back to the small opening and peering through he saw a woman sat in a recliner on the Porch and a small boy playing with a dog which looked like Remi. He ran back to his truck and grabbed his binoculars then went back.
As he looked he was gobsmacked, he saw Amy working on her Laptop and talking to, he assumed was her Son Kayden. He quickly took loads of photos then got back on the road.
As he was driving along he was trying to figure out how the Ranch hand boy she married could afford a place like that. He reckoned it was at least 1500 to 2000 acres. He decided to ask Lou next time he sees her on Saturday.


Akeem had finally tracked down Wade and was having a conversation with him about a problem that they both shared and asked him if getting rid of it would help get his wife back. Wade was listening and interested especially when he was offered 1/2 million dollars. Wade asked if they wanted to meet and Akeem just asked where to pay the money, then the Time and place was up to him. He could get rid of one or both , his choice.
Of course wade had no problem with Amy and he knew she had a son, so the thought never entered his head. But Lilly made a promise to Ty and if something happened he would be there for her , promise broken.


The end of the week came round fast and thankfully Kayden only had to have the one day off school for feeling poorly which was the day Tim saw her and Kayden.
Amy had given Annie a significant Pay Rise and with Ty's approval as well made her Manager. Of course Amy and Ty had the final say but Annie knew exactly how they worked. This they knew was to be prepared because Amy suspected she may need another operation to fix her Balance problem,  which the doctors had been looking into.

Tim found two horses he needed but he still needed someone to fix them . It was Saturday morning and he was just walking into Maggie's when he saw a couple of friends he hadn't seen in years and started to walk over to them but as he got closer they got up looked at him in disgust and walked out.
Tim looked at Lou and "What the hell was that about, I haven't seen them in years and they treat me like that".
Lou gave her Dad the look and" Seems your getting into a habit of not seeing people for years".
"Talking of which" Tim says. And shows Lou the photos of Amy, & Kayden and the Ranch.
"How the hell does your Sister afford to live on a Ranch like this, who does it belong to because that idiot she married could never afford a place like this." Tims voice getting louder.
Everyone knew about Tim Fleming  and they just looked and listened.

Danger Returns- Who Can You Truly Trust. Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now