There's one Person Ty would never Trust

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Amy had dropped Kayden at preschool and was just pulling up outside Heartlands Ranch House.
She knocked the door and waited to be called in or someone open the door, she thought it proper as she didn't live there anymore and would hate it if anyone were to walk in like Tim. Lisa opened the door and invited Amy in.
She walked over to Jack and knelt down by him and gave him a huge hug. "Thank you for clearing everything up yesterday Grampa, I know it was hard but it's made everything so much clearer and me and Ty had a good chat. He feels much better knowing we were set up.
But you raised me grampa and as far as I'm concerned you are the best Father figure I could ever ask for. " "Thank you Amy."
Ty was at the Ranch waiting for Bob Kearney to show up and start installing the security.
Akeem was in his office when his phone rang. "Your Highness,  how can I help you."  Ahmed asked Akeem if he'd found her. "Yes I have Sir, she's living on their own Ranch with her Husband and Child of about 4 yrs old. The Husband has his own Clinic on the Ranch." It was quiet for a while then Ahmed asked Akeem to do some research into Ty's family and anyone who disliked Tyler Borden. "Try Tim Fleming for answers, he didn't like him."
Yes your Highness said Akeem,  then brought Ahmed up to date on the Team and asked Ahmed to find another Trainer as the bloke they had didn't have a clue what he was doing.
" Leave it to me " said Ahmed.

Back at Heartland Amy was enjoying a good mug of grandpa's Coffee but her visit wasn't just a social visit. Amy and Ty had talked last night and decided to let Jack , Lou, Lisa in on how they really got the Ranch and Sanctuary.
Amy said to them "Do any of you want to ask any questions about our Ranch,  I know you've all been wondering about the size of it , the House and Barns and of course Ty's Clinic.
Lou pipes up "Well to be honest Amy we have been wondering how much debt you've got yourselves into I must admit, haven't we Lisa, we just didn't want to impose on your decisions.
Amy began to explain " Well we didn't say anything at first because we didn't want Da# Tim to find out otherwise he would of been round us all the time coming up with Stupid projects to invest in."
Jack agreed with her 100% on that.
" So how did you get it then" said Lou.
"Do you remember Miss Louisa the old lady near Okatoks who I used to visit once a month to look in and check her horses, well we got on really well and she used to talk about what I wanted to achieve, and I told her. Marry Ty and hopefully buy ourselves a small Ranch. Well after I got out of Hospital I was struggling and couldn't work , even now I have good and bad days thanks to that bastard. So what money I had saved we used to keep us going.
Well Miss Louisa was a dark horse and kept very good secrets, She was very well off, infact she was a Multimillionaire and she bought
2000 acres of prime Forest but made sure she could cut down part of the forest and resource the timber in the new buildings.  So she cleared and built the Ranch including Ty's state of the art Equine Veterinary Clinic including 4 very large Paddocks and the Barn, the Arena and Hay Barn.
She passed away a while back , not long after I was discharged from Hospital, and then her Lawyer got in touch to tell me the Ranch was a Wedding present to us both,  he explained that she was giving her fortune to Horse Charities and Sanctuaries.  There was 10 including us.
We were given $2.million US Dollars for our rescue Ranch and $8. Million US Dollars to run the Sanctuary. As well as our wedding gift   All the others just got the $10 million .
But Tim CANNOT find out any of this.

"WoW Amy,  I knew you probably had help to buy the Ranch. To be honest I thought you'd won the Lottery or something but what Miss Louisa did for you and Ty plus the other Charities was amazing. " said Lou.
"I'll second that,  Lisa too." Said Jack.
"So do you have anymore questions you'd like to ask.
Lou puts her hand up like she was in school. Yes Lou amy said with the giggles in her voice.  " Soooo when are you having a Party. " says Lou.
No Party but we will have a family get together with a few friends as its Ty's Birthday soon, that will be the excuse and reason.
Good enough for us says All 3 of them.  Then they all start laughing.


Back at Big River Tim had been called into Akeem's office and was generally chatting to Akeem without Tim even knowing it he was giving information to Akeem . He was using Tim's own feelings against Ty to fuel Tim's dislike of him and Tim was telling him all about Wade and what he supposedly did to Ty.  Akeem couldn't believe how easy Tim was making this. Tim was easy to control.
Later on Akeem spoke with Ahmed about wade and ordered him to make contact with him and find out how much he hated Ty and if getting rid of the Bordens would help him get his wife Lilly back...


Back at The Pegasus Ranch Ty was talking to Bob Kearney about the possibility of installing a Panic Room. Ty thought he may be going overboard but his Families welfare and Safety were Paramount . Bob went of to look around as to where they could fit one in and found the concrete basement which would be Ideal. Bob explained that the final part of the 1st Security work would be Finished the next day . The Panic Room would take a week.

Amy stayed at Heartland all day until she had to leave to pick up Kayden and return home.  As she approached the Ranch Amy was well impressed with the way the entrance looked with the New Gates.  Amy tried the remote she had in her truck and the gates opened quite quickly,  she drove through and pressed the remote again and the gates closed at the same speed as when they opened,  Amy was very impressed and actually felt a little safer.
Amy parked up her large RAM Truck which she bought a few weeks ago mainly because she felt Safe in it and because it was powerful, she grabbed Kayden and walked inside to start Dinner.  Ty was in the Clinic so rang him on the internal phone " Hi hun are ya busy. "Just cleaning up now. Give me 10mins and I'll be with you".
Annie had left Amy a note explaining what went on through the day and was pleased that she had someone like her on her team. In fact Amy realizes Annie must be due a pay rise.
They had Dinner and Kayden went straight to  sleep later on after playing while Ty and Amy talked while she sat in his Lap. 
Amy looked at Ty and put her hand to the side of his face then moved her hand to the back of his head by the Nape of his and gently grabbed his hair while Kissing him. " I'm going to bed and I hope you'll follow as we have some unfinished business to get back too. " Amy said.  But Ty just picked her up and took her to their bedroom ,while on the way there he picked up the iPad and pressed one button which Locked down all outer doors , gates and set the Alarms.
"Let's make Babies " Ty said and Amy just smiled that perfect smile he likes.


To be continued

Danger Returns- Who Can You Truly Trust. Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now