How much Luck can a Person have.

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It had been almost 5 years since Amy saw her life flash past her in a split second. She remembers talking to Lou then hearing that very familiar Engine sound of his Yellow Lamborghini.
Amy told Lou to stay on speaker phone and as a precaution told Lou she was pressing the Record App. Amy thinks back and understands why Ty went away the way he did, because of the way Ahmed set everything up, believing She was shooting off to Belgium for 2 to 3 Months which she would never have done. Then the noise of the Hand Gun just as she saw it glint in the sunlight.
Amy shakes her head to get back to concentrating on the road as she drives back to their ranch, when she looks in her rearview mirror and checks to see that the Front and Rear Dashcams are working and recording.

Amy notices that the Black SUV stays the same distance away, What will they do if Amy pulls over and stops. Just then a bit further up the road Amy see's Rob there neighbour repairing a fence line.
Hi Rob Amy shouts out to him, is it damage or Wear n Tear. Rob smiles at her, ( it makes her day to see the old bloke smile like that at 80 years old. ). "What can I do to help Amy. " he says as he leans his arms on her truck door giving her a look that tells amy he knows something is not right by her own looks and frowns.
"Actually Rob I just need you to confirm if theres a Black SUV parked off the road further back , so I know I'm not imagining things".
Rob looked back through Amy's windows and saw the SUV.
"Yep its definitely still parked off road. Look Amy I'm going to adjust my Dash Cams so I can get a good look at this creep and then I'll send you the footage and Registration Numbers".
"Thanks Rob, said Amy giving him one of those Smiles.
Amy set off, and made a call to Ty explaining what was going on and asked him to see if he could get a good look at the driver.
Amy pulled into the Ranch and parked in front of the Ranch House, she stayed inside the truck using her mirrors to see when and if the SUV goes past.
After what seemed like ages the truck went past . Ty ran to Amy but she was already almost to him and threw her arms around him, Ty held her tight but could feel her shaking , he looked at her and could tell she was going into a panic attack so picked her up and took her to their bedroom so she could rest and calm down. Before he left her to sleep he gave her some of her Medication for the Panic Attack. Ty immediately phoned Lisa to find out if Ahmed's Team was back at Hillhurst .
Lou answered,  " Hi Ty , hows things going."
"Hi Lou, things aren't really good at the moment,  is Lisa there by any chance" Ty asked.
"Yes Ty I'll just get her for you.".
Ty could hear Lisa approaching the kitchen.
"Lou can you put the phone on speaker phone as it will save me having to repeat everything please "
Lou did as Ty asked and told him to carry on.
"Okayyyyy,  for the last couple of weeks Amy has been acting a little Paranoid saying that she thinks she's being followed,  well Amy is not Paranoid because it happened today and she had our neighbour confirm it.  Amy phoned me to say what was going on as she was 5 minutes away from home. I ran to the Bush near our entrance to the Ranch to see who was driving and get a Reg Number. I recognized the driver Lisa, it was Ahmeds head of security  Akeem."
Lisa and lou stood there trying to understand why now after 5 years.
Lisa spoke first " Are you absolutely certain it was him Ty."
"Yes Lisa absolutely,  do you know if Ahmeds Team is back at Hillhurst Stables." Ty asked.
"Let us make some enquiries Ty. Hows Amy taking it. " Lou said. It was quiet for a while when Ty came back on.

" Not good I'm afraid,  she had a panic attack and I had to give her some of her meds which knocked her out,  so Amy's asleep in bed which is why I asked if you would get Kayden for us."
Lisa spoke up, "Ty, you need to look at Security and some Gates to stop people from just driving in. I'll send you the phone number to my friend who uses high tech stuff. You cant take any chances Ty." Thanks Lisa and please get back to me with what ever you find out. Bye lou. See you later.
Bye Ty they said in unison.

A couple of Hours later Ty saw Lou pulling up outside the house, and opened the door for her along with Kayden and a more grown up Katie.
" Thanks Lou for picking up Kayden I didn't want to leave Amy on her own."
"No problem Ty, haven't found out where Or if Ahmed's team is back yet. Their not at Hillhurst or any other Stables that we know of. But Me, Lisa and Grandpa are worried about some news we've heard."  Ty looked at Lou concern on his face "What news would be concerning Lou,"
" Well Dad hasn't been in touch with Amy or yourself since she told him to Leave the Hospital after he wouldn't accept that Ahmed would shoot her and then in some weird way tried to put the blame on you, not knowing you were in the States. Well Grandpa went to see him or at least try to but he wasnt there so Grandpa had a look around and there was a lot of Building work going on. We have no idea what he was building but it's definitely finished. "
Ty sat at the kitchen island thinking " Do you think he would do that knowing what really went down at the Trailer after he listened to Amy's recording. "
" If it concerns Money my dad wouldn't think twice." Lou admitted. 
" There's something else as well but I'm going to let grandpa explain it as he's the one who came up for Tim's actions and attitude towards Amy. Grampa had an idea some years ago but he didn't want to upset things as Dad and Amy seemed to be bonding really well until he started pushing her in a direction Amy had no intention of going. Then when you and Amy started Dating he got worse. ."  Tell me about it said Ty with a chuckle.
Just then Amy came walking into the kitchen.
"Hey Lou, thank you, I take it you picked up Kayden. " "No problem Amy replied Lou. And Ty's brought me and Lisa up to date. Were doing some investigating for you, but as I was saying to Ty a worrying development has come to light. Grampa is going to follow things up but he wants to talk to all of us minus Dad of course.  It concerns you mainly Amy. He wont tell me and said I'll have to wait.
Did you have a Blood Test a couple of weeks ago because he made me have one too."
Amy looked at Lou nodding her head up and down. " Yeah I did. Why dont you all come over for Sunday lunch tomorrow about 2pm. "
Okay. See you tomorrow Lou said as she left.
Amy walked over to Ty and sat in his Lap and they hugged each other while Ty explained the phone call he had with the Security Company for Gates and Cameras with secure entry system.

To be continued.

Danger Returns- Who Can You Truly Trust. Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now