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Amy and the family were still in the Panic room and apart from the phone call from Jim they had not heard anything apart from what they knew from the News channel on TV.
It was just after 10AM when Amy's phone rang. Amy looked to see who was calling and recognized the name immediately, John Pittingger.
Morning John amy said, morning Amy, before I tell you why I'm phoning I have someone breathing down my neck who hasn't stopped smiling since she heard you were alive.
Amy knew who that would be so just said Hi Lisa, I'll phone you for a good chat later on today.
Okay Amy that stopped her breathing down my neck and she said she's looking forward to it.
Right the reason I'm calling is because I've arranged for 18 Special Forces guys to protect you and your family. They should be at your place within the hour. When Major Williams gets there he will phone me and give me a prearranged password,  I will give him one for you so you know he is who he says he is.  The Security password for you is First Nation.
Once there in they will install Bullet proof Glass to the outside windows.  Once that's done you can move back into the Ranch House.
Ohhh that's brilliant John thank you so much. .
It's my Pleasure Amy.
Now Major Williams knows you have some sophisticated Security system there and he will need to access it,  is that ok with you and Ty.
Amy had speaker phone on and they both nodded at the same time.
"Yes that's okay John."
Brilliant.  I'm afraid this is going to be like Hide and Seek until we catch him so you'll have to bear with us.
Amy, I understand that you have other family or friends of your dads who are patrolling the boundaries of the Ranch. I've been told by Jim that there more or less invisible but the Major will need to give them Locators so he knows where they are, we do not want any accidents. 
Victor nodded and spoke to John, Yes that's fine Sir I dont want them getting shot by accident. 
Neither do I Victor.
Now we have Security forces out in plain clothes looking for Akeem and the Elders have kindly given us a list of his Security team that are here with him so were going to round them up and see what we can get out of them .
Okay John thank you.
Your welcome Amy bye for now..

Tim found himself back in the interview room.
Jim and the detective entered the room. Jim asked Tim to explain truthfully how he knew wade.
Tim thought for a minute  then decided to tell how that happened.
Akeem joined me while I was sat on my porch having a drink and I tend to chat more than I should after a few drinks.
He was asking about Ty being an odd match for Amy and I started to belittle  him and I was going on about Wade beating him and his mother up and how wade hated Ty etc. Then he asked me if I knew Wade's surname which I did and told him it was Dalton. It was a pure guess on my part that it was Wade who was the shooter. That's what drinking does to you. .
Jim and the Detective left the room and chatted then decided Tim was probably telling the truth, and let him go. But they will be watching him.

The alarm went of at the gate and Amy and Ty checked the Camera's and saw a big Military Humvee.  The passwords were exchanged and Ty let them through. Within the  hour  the family were back in the House and Amy started to cook a massive Stew with all the extras.

Tim went straight to Maggie's for coffee and something to eat. Lou saw him sitting there.
So they Let you go then I see.
"Yeah  , me and my big mouth and jumping to conclusions. "

Well there After Akeem now Dad.

Why what did he try to do. Tim said.
Well dad he tried to kill my little sister again. 
Err, again. I thought she was dead.
Nope, she's been in a coma for 6 week's. They went with that story to catch the shooter which they have.
I know Lou it was Wade.
WHAT!!!! Your kidding me. OMG Ty is going to blow a gasket.
Anyway what ya want to eat.
Actually Lou I'll  be back in a bit. I need to see Jim. I think I may know where he's hiding out.

The Security services had all akeems men and were interviewing them and reminding them that they were given up by the Elders so it would be in there favour to cooperate. Which they did rather than go to prison.
John was pleased they had 4 places to check and thanks to Tim they had one to check In Hudson.

4 of the Special forces were going to check the property nearest to them .

It had been a couple of hour's  and no news from the team. John had teams checking the other properties too all at the same time.
Major Williams teams got in touch to say someone had been there but were now long gone.
Amy was stood by the window hoping this would be over soon when out of no where Shots starting singing off the bullet proof glass.
Amy hit the floor so fast she hurt her knees and was laying in the fetus position shaking all over from the shock of realizing that had the glass not been put there she would of been hit. The military started firing back in the place where the shots came from.
Then there radio went off from one of Victors friends asking if it was a kill order or capture. He was told capture if possible,  if not Kill.
There was a distinct bang as Akeem hit the floor. Victor told Major Williams that Akeem was down as he knew the sound of that particular weapon.  The two soldiers went over the road and helped to bring Akeem back, he was tied up and handcuffed just to make sure... Akeem was wounded but the impact from what hit him laid him flat out.
The Major immediately informed all concerned that they had him.
Ty found Amy on the floor in the middle of a panic attack, he rushed to get her pills and was back with her in seconds holding her head in his lap . Ty looked up to where she was standing and saw the bullet Mark's on the glass. Akeem was aiming right for her head.
He called out to Victor as she was not improving, as Victor got there he could see what was happening , he went out and called Major Williams over and told him they had an emergency and needed to get Amy to Hospital asap. The Major called up an emergency helicopter  then followed Victor in to see Amy. It had been 10 minutes and Amy started to Fit so they put her in the recovery position,  then they heard the rotors of the Bell CH-146 Griffon tactical  Helicopter. 
Amy was loaded on along with Ty and they were off.
Major Williams asked  what set Amy off, so victor took him to the window and showed him where the bullets hit.
OMG they went straight for her head and face.
I know said Victor. Ty said this was the worst panic attack he'd ever seen her have.

Lou. jack. Victor and Ty all waited to see what was wrong.
After a few hours the doctor came along and asked them to follow him .
He took them into his office and closed the door, Sat down and started to explain what had happened.

Ty had explained about the bullet hits on the window


"Obviously Amy has been through a lot over the last 5 years and again just recently. We tried to lessen the effects of being shot and while on the table we repaired the Balance issue she was suffering from. Amy then stayed in a light coma for almost 6 weeks.
But when those Bullets hit the bullet proof glass, Amy was looking right at them , the Shock brought on the Panic attack and unfortunately an aneurysm. There Operating as we speak. We suspect it's one of the old repairs we made 5 yrs ago."


Will she recover. Please tell me she will.


You remember the outlook we gave last time, well it's only a fraction of that but there's still the unknown.  We will have to wait and see.
I'm sorry,  I wish I could give you better news.

To be continued

Danger Returns- Who Can You Truly Trust. Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now