Ahmed now The Hunted

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It had been two months since Amy had her Aneurysm and Ty was getting worried about how long she would be in her Coma. She had too many already, he missed her so much and so did Kayden . He visited when he could, he would spend ever hour of every day if he could.

There was no sign of Ahmed but the authorities were certain he was still in the country.
John Pittingger wanted to get this over with and spoke to his counter parts. It was decided to get two Manhunters in to take him out. It was agreed that he was not to be captured.
Even if he spent his life in prison , Amy would not be safe as Ahmed could just pay someone to kill her. Ahmed was a madman and this now needed to stop.
They had let the media and papers run whatever stories they wanted. The police had not corrected them so once again they thought Amy was dead.

Ty was about to start work when the buzzer on the front gate went. Ty looked at his phone and saw Tim stood there.
What can I do for you Tim.
Errr; Well actually I thought I could help you.
What with Tim.
Well I thought I could help you sell some of the rescues, you know help you out with Amy gone.
I dont think so Tim, not after what you did last time to Amy. She told you No last time as she liked to rehome them herself and you waited until she went out then you helped yourself and even took some of her customers horses. She got them all back but she didn't press charges against you. Believe me Tim I would have. So no Thanks Tim. Then Ty shut off the intercom.
Tim huffed as he usually did and set off for hudson, he needed some breakfast.
When he got there he sat at the counter waiting to be served. Lou stood infront of him and asked him what he'd like to eat. He gave her his order and she got him his coffee.
"You look like someone has upset your feelings dad.
"That Idiot Amy was married to , I offered to help him out, you know sell some of the rescues and he turned me down."
"Well to be honest Dad I dont actually blame him after the last time you tried to help Amy, even though she told you No."
"Don't you start Lou" .
"What do you mean when you said Amy was married to him, she still is ".
" I noticed you didn't have a funeral this time is that because she was already cremated. Bet that saved him a packet."
"I cant believe how hard hearted you are Dad. And for your information Amy is very much Alive."
"But the papers".Tim sputtered.
"They just let them print and say what they wanted, and No we don't know where she is. Safer for her that way.
Lou gave him his breakfast and went to serve other customers.

John had his two Manhunters and let them read the file they had on him, they were disgusted by the things he'd done and were more than pleased to go after him. They noted all his places where he may hide and any sightings of him. Then they set off to hunt him down.

Amy was in her own dream world with her Mum and grandma Lyndy.
It was like she'd forgotten about her real life and Marion told her that soon she would wake up and be back with her husband and Son.
I thought this was real Amy said.
No sweetheart your in hospital and all healed up . We've been keeping an eye on you and trying to keep you alive because you and Ty have a lot to do yet. It wont be your time for a very long time. You'll have more children and grandchildren even a few Great Grandchildren and you will teach them what you do.
But I can't do it anymore mum.
Of course you can, you've never lost the ability.
You have the Gene's of myself and your father and that makes you the most powerful spirit guide for horses.
You can give troubled horses there spirits back.
Dont talk to them, look at them, into there eyes and listen to them with your mind, without knowing it you'll be talking back to them with your mind and your eyes as long as you keep eye contact. You carry there spirits within you, your a Horse Whisperer Amy.


Another month had passed and the Hunters were at a dead end. They'd narrowed him down to somewhere near Hudson but not in it.
At John's suggestion they paid Ty a visit to see if he could think of anywhere Ahmed could be holed up that they didn't know about.
"Have you checked Big River Ranch" Ty asked.
We've checked everywhere.
"What about the place he was going to Buy. "
No we haven't, were is it. Ty explained where it was.
"There's only one other place I know of but I don't know if he does, unless Tim told him or even took him up there". Ty suggested.
Where's that.
"It's Jack's Fishing Cabin up in the Kaninasters. You'll have to get the directions from Jack at Heartland". Ty explained.
Okay thanks. They sounded more hopeful. They set off for Heartland before checking out the mansion Ahmed took Amy to see when she really didn't want to go.


Ty got a call fom the Hospital to say that Amy was very restless and could he go in to try and calm her down with his voice. Ty took Kayden to Heartland and Lisa offered to watch him . Ty explained the Phone call from the Hospital and Lisa told him to get going.
Once Ty was there he saw how restless she was, there was something going on in her thoughts.
He started to talk to her while holding and rubbing her Hand with his Thumb.
Amy was talking with grandma Lyndy when she heard a voice and she told Lyndy she could feel someone touching her hand. That's your wonderful Husband Amy. You remember Ty don't you.
Yeah, of course I do .
Well he's always popping in to see you, he wants to stop longer but he has to get back for Kayden and to run your Ranch. . It's nearly over Amy and you'll be able to wake up, I promise sweetheart.


The Hunters had checked the mansion so now they were off to the fishing cabin.
An hour Later they were there. They parked up a good distance from the Cabin and approached on a wide arc so they would be facing the Front of the Cabin. They were hidden well and could see a truck parked round the corner of the cabin out the way . Jack had told them that no one had been there for at least 9 months. Now it was a waiting game and to make sure it wasnt anyone who was innocent.


Ty was watching Amy and she was still calm but every now and again she stirred and her eye movements under her eyelids were getting more pronounced, the Doctor had been in and he reckoned Amy was getting ready to wake up.
Ty sent a text to Lou to let her know what the Doctor said and that he was staying at the Hospital .
Lou was overjoyed and had to make sure she told everyone so waited ten minutes for everyone to sit down for dinner. When they were sat down Lou stood up and said that Ty had literally just phoned to say he was staying at the Hospital because it looks like our Girl is starting to wake up. Everyone gave a cheer and started chatting to each other, the meal was more or less forgotten for a short while. Kayden spoke up and asked if it meant his Mommy was going to come home. Lou explained to him that it was a good sign and once she was awake he could go and see her. Kayden looked at Lou with a big smile on his face.


The Sun was starting to go down when the two hunters saw movement from inside the cabin, they heard the door latch click and someone walked out onto the porch. Two shots rang out and then all was quite.
John was at home when he got a text message from the Hunter. It was a simple text. "" All Done"" and 2 Thumbs up.


When Ahmed was shot Marion and Lyndy put their hands on Amy's head and told her to use their knowledge that they were going to infuse her with, Ty was Just sat looking at Amy when she started to glow, two nurses and her Doctor were there too.
Amy's glow got brighter and Ty got out the chair and moved away from her as she started to levitate.
They couldn't move, everyone was like a statue.
Ty could see everything, Amy was so bright he had to shut his eyes until it started to reduce, eventually Amy was back to normal and her first word was "Ty".
A few seconds later the nurses and Doctor carried on normally.
"Doctor, Amy's awake."

To be Continued

Danger Returns- Who Can You Truly Trust. Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now