Chapter 8

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The stars twinkled in the sky above them. Brady, Mack, Vicky, Devon, and some others sat around the bonfire immersed in chat. Mack pulled her ukulele out of her bag. "Oh, going to play me a song baby?" Vicky asked running a finger down Mack's arm flirtatiously.

Mack's face turned completely red. Mack began strumming the tune of "Blue Moon". Brady began singing as Mack strummed. Everyone giggled as Brady tried to make his voice sound silly and deep as possible.

Once the song was over, everyone cheered. As they roasted marshmallows everyone talked amongst the person next to them. Everyone except for Mack and Vicky. Mack stared into he fire, deep in thought. She had tried, but she couldn't seem to forget about Lela.

How close they were standing. It had dug up old feelings that she thought she had gotten rid of. It had been months since their fling and yet she started thinking about it again. She suddenly remembered seeing Tanner taking a huge number of condoms as he laughed with his friend. The look of sadness and horror on Lela's face.

This angered her. Even though Lela said some pretty hurtful things the night in the tent, she didn't wish bad things would happen to her. She suddenly remembered Lela whispering that she missed her. The sweet scent of vanilla. Thinking about her whispering in her ear gave her chill. Did she really miss her? Was she just trying to play with her emotions?

"Mack?" Vicky called to her, breaking from her thoughts. Vicky seemed confused. Mack noticed that everyone had disappeared. Woah, she must have been extremely deep in thought. "Where did everyone go?" Mack asked. "Where do you think?" Vicky whispered seductively. Mack noticed movement in the far distance in the trunk of Brady's car. "Ohhh!" Mack said, getting red.

Vicky crawled onto Mack's lap, placing her arms around her shoulders. Mack could feel her core throbbing. She was starting to sweat and not because of the heat from the fire. Vicky's hair tickled Mack's neck. She felt Vicky press her lips against her neck. Mack's head was spinning.

"Honey?" Vicky asked in between kisses. "Y-yeah?" Mack asked, hardly even able to get that out. "Why were you standing so close to that Lela girl today?" This suddenly broke Mack out of her lustful trance. What the hell was Vicky doing to her? And why now? She thought of her answer carefully, not wanting to spoil this moment.

"She was giving me some advice on...which brand of pads to buy." Mack lied. Vicky suddenly stopped kissing her. "Really?" She asked with an unreadable look. "Mhm! You see, last time I was on my period, I bought these really crappy pads and I bled out through my pants." Mack added. Vicky giggled.

"What's so funny?" Mack asked, suddenly feeling awkward. "Baby? You don't need to feel embarrassed about being on your period. Don't feel the need to whisper about it. It's a totally natural thing." Vicky replied to Mack's relief. Mack mentally thanked the heavens as Vicky started kissing her again.

Vicky started grinding on Mack's lap, sending a a feeling of pleasure through Mack's core. Mack felt as though it were fire and ice in her veins all at once. Vicky suddenly grabbed one of Mack's hands placing them down her pants. Vicky was wet.

Mack could feel that she was as well. "Do you feel that?" Vicky whispered against Mack's lips. This turned Mack on even more causing her to softly rub Vicky's clit. She had began to ride her hand when--"Sorry to interrupt you guys, but it's time to go." Devon said walking up to them, scaring the shit out of both of them.

"God damn it Devon!" Mack hissed. "Have you ever heard of privacy?" Vicky got off of Mack. Mack was pretty sure that she had the female equivalent of blue balls. "This is a beach....if you wanted privacy you could have done it in the car." He responded. "The car was occupied." Mack responded with a hint of annoyance.

Devon held up his hands in surrender as he began walking away. Vicky laughed at Mack's angry face. "You're so cute when you're mad." She said, giving her a quick peck on the lips. This didn't make up for Devon interrupting their moment, but it sure helped.

Later that night...

Mack lied awake staring at the ceiling. She couldn't believe everything that had happened tonight. Even though they had been interrupted, she had fun. Thinking of Vicky gave her a tingly sensation in her core. She was so seductive. It was almost as if she had some sort of sexual spell over her.

She enjoyed it of course. She heard footsteps in the hallway, meaning that her grandfather was home. "Hey grandpa!" She shouted from her room. "Hey cupcake!" He responded stepping into her room. "How was your day?" Mack bit her lip thinking about everything that had taken place.

"It was great grandpa. We had a bonfire on the beach. Brady, Vicky and all of the others were there too." She beamed. "That's wonderful sweetheart! Maybe you can invite Vicky over for dinner more often." He suggested. "I will! Thanks Grandpa." She said, flashing him a warm smile.

He disappeared out of the her doorway. Mack loved her grandpa. She appreciated how supportive he was. She felt very lucky to have family and friends that supported her regardless of who she fell in love with. Sure her coming out hadn't been easy, but turned out okay in the end.

Mack decided that she would put in a classic movie before she went to bed. She decided to watch one of her favorites, "The man with no face". It gave her chills, but she loved it. Especially the part where he pulled off his mask revealing to the woman that he loved that he had no face.

She had decided to stay with him anyway. Mack found the concept beautiful. She began watching the movie entrancingly. Almost studying it. She was suddenly interrupted by the buzzing of her phone. It was Brady calling.

She smiled, paused the movie and answered. "Hello?" She asked into the line. "Hey Mack what's up?" He asked. Mack was a bit curious as to why he was calling, but she also had other questions. Like we're him an Julia an item now or did they just hookup for fun. "Nothing much. Just watching The man with no face." She responded. "Hey, I was just calling to say that Devon apologizes for ruining your moment with Vicky." He said with his voice slightly cracking.

It sounded as if he wanted to laugh. Mack rolled her eyes. He was such a child. "Cock blocker of sweet lady love!!" Brady said, bursting with laughter. Mack's face turned completely red. "Good night Brady!" She said before hanging up. Honestly she loved him, but he was such a goofball.

Her phone suddenly started buzzing again. She picked it up, not even reading who it was. "Brady, I swear to fuck--" "Mack?" A shaky feminine voice said on the other line. Mack glanced at her phone. It was Lela. Her heart felt as though it had suddenly stopped. She couldn't believe that she was calling her this late. What did she want? Why was she doing this? And why hadn't she deleted her number?

"Lela? What's wrong? Mack asked. Lela sounded as though she had been crying. "Can you come over please?" She asked. Mack was in shock. She couldn't believe Lela was asking her to come over. It took her a while to respond. What would Vicky think? Well, Mack wouldn't do anything. "Mack?" Lela called softly.

Mack missed the softness of her voice. She quickly buried that thought out of guilt. "What's wrong Lela?" Mack asked, worried. "Please, I can't tell you over the phone. I need you to come over." Lela begged. "Sure, I'm on my way." Mack responded. There was a moment of silence. "I can always count on you can't I?" Lela said in a sweet tone. Before Mack could respond, Lela hung up.

Mack ran her hands through her hair, trying to process everything that just happened. Should she have done that? Going to Lela's house wasn't going to help her old feelings go away. "I'm sorry Vicky." Mack whispered, walking over to her dresser and pulling out some clothes. She felt bad about it, but she felt compelled to be there for her. Vicky had a sexual spell over her, but something told her that Mack had something far more stronger, a love spell.

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