Chapter 7

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A few months had passed since Mack met Vicky. They had decided to date. Things were going well. Mack loved how supportive everyone was. Her life had finally gotten better. They spent time together every weekend they could. They walked the halls hand in hand.

Mack felt like she were on top of the world. Nothing could destroy this happiness. As they walked down they halls Brady came up behind them putting his arms around them. "Brady!" They both said in unison laughing. "Ladies!!" He greeted back.

"You guys in for a beach bonfire tonight?" He asked. "I am! What do you say babe?" Mack asked looking over at Vicky. "Duh!!" Vicky replied. Brady looked like he had just won a thousand dollars. "Sweet!!" He cheered. We can pick up supplies after school." They made it to Vicky's classroom, stopping at the door.

"Later ladies!" Brady said before disappearing down the hallway to give them privacy. "I love that guy." Vicky giggled. "I love you." Mack laughed. "Oh you do huh?" Vicky whispered lasciviously. She leaned in kissing Mack on the lips.

It was a hungry kiss. Mack's head was spinning. Kissing Vicky was exhilarating. She wanted more. She pulled Vicky closer being rewarded by a soft moan. "A-hem!" They both heard causing both of them to pull apart. They looked over to see Alyssa standing in front of them with her arms folded. "Some of us need to get to class without having to witness your public displays of lezfection." She hissed.

A few months ago, this would have hurt Mack, but she no longer cared. All she could do was laugh. Vicky stepped closer to Alyssa. Too close. "Oh come on Slutlyssa. You know you enjoyed it." She laughed. Alyssa looked horrified. "You're disgusting!" She replied before scurrying into the classroom.

Even though Mack found her reaction funny she suddenly felt bad. Her and Alyssa used to be friends. She hated that something so trivial could destroy their friendship. Mack suddenly reminded herself that if they were really friends, her sexuality wouldn't have mattered.

Mack gave Vicky another goodbye kiss before heading off to class. She couldn't wait for tonight's bonfire. Spending time with Vicky and her best friends made her the happiest girl in the world.

A few periods later...

Tanner and his buddies sat at a table in the courtyard. "So, Tanner are you going to hit that tonight?" Kevin, his closest friend asked. "I don't know. I'm busy." He responded trying to keep s natural tone in his voice. For the past school year he had been harboring a secret. He hated not being able to tell anyone, but his friends wouldn't understand.

"Busy? Are you gay or something? When are you too busy for pussy?" Kevin challenged causing all of the other boys in the group to laugh. This made Tanner nervous. The answer was in the question. He was gay. He had been using Lela as his beard all along. No one would have liked the idea of the hottest guy in school to being gay.

"No, but your dad is!" Tanner shot back. All of the boys except for Kevin made "OOOOOOH" noises. Kevin looked slightly upset about this. Tanner mentally sighed in relief. He needed Lela as his girlfriend for the rest of his high school career. After all the hottest guy and the hottest girl in the school had to be a couple right?

That's why it had scared him to death all of those months ago when he had seen Mackenzie kissing Lela in the rain. He didn't chase Mack because he was jealous. He wasn't jealous. He was afraid...horrified. Horrified that she would strip him of everything he had.

That's why he started sleeping around with Alyssa. To prove to the guys that he was "straight". "I'm kidding...of course I'm fucking her tonight." He suddenly said. All of the guys in he group cheered giving him high fives. "Here she comes now!" One of them said causing all of them to look up. Lela walked up to them flashing them all a sweet smile.

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