Chapter 4

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Mack made it to her house soaking wet from the rain. She fumbled for her keys, quickly unlocking the door. She couldn't believe what was happening.

She actually had to outrun Tanner. She wasn't sure whether to be scared or angry. She felt a mixture of both emotions. Her grandfather walked in the room noticing how drenched she was.

"Mack, what happened to you? Why didn't you bring a raincoat?" He asked in concern. "I didn't know it was going to rain grandpa." Mack said not looking him in the eye. She hurried toward the stairs. "Is there something the matter?" He asked.

"I'm fine!" She lied, speeding up the stairs. When she made it to her room she plopped on her bed. She tried to rethink tonight's events. What surprised her the most was that Lela kissed her back. That meant that Lela had feelings for her.

She closed her eyes thinking about what it felt like to kiss her. She tasted so sweet. She could practically still taste her lips. She suddenly felt her phone buzzing. She reached for it in her pocket hoping that it was Lela.

When she looked at the screen it read "Brady". She was slightly disappointed, but happy that he was calling. After a few rings she answered. "Hey Brad!" She said into the phone. "You know I hate it when you call me that!" Brady whined.

"I know, I'm just kidding." Mack laughed. She loved annoying him whenever she could. After all, what were friends for? "So, what happened with you and Lela?" He asked, putting emphasis on Lela. Mack's stomach dropped in nervousness.

Had he figured it out because of the way she acted in the car. She was the thankful that he couldn't see how red her face was getting. "It went F-F-fine!" Mack stuttered. The line fell silent for a moment. "....Mack are you alright?" Brady finally asked.

"Of course, I'm alright! Why-haha why would you ask that?" She replied, trying to sound cool. Mack wanted to slap herself for her obvious lie. Why was she such a bad liar? She couldn't even manage to lie over the phone. "Did something hap--" "Sorry, you're breaking up! Probably because of the storm. See you at school tomorrow, bye!" Mack shouted, quickly hanging up.

She placed her cell phone on her night stand. She began inhaling and exhaling rapidly. Her anxiety had grown worse since tonight's incident. How was she going to face everyone tomorrow? Tanner probably already told everyone in their group, who told spread it around the entire school.

Mack didn't want to face tomorrow. She really didn't know what it would bring her. She hoped that Brady and Devon wouldn't find out her feelings this way. One question had suddenly come across her mind. What was Lela thinking about right at this very moment?

Next Day....

Brady, Devon and Mack pulled up into a parking space in the school parking lot. "Today is breakfast pizza day, later bros!!" Devon shouted before getting out of the car. Mack had felt relieved all morning, because that meant that Brady and Devon hadn't heard what happened yet.

When Mack gazed out the window she saw Tanner and his group laughing amongst each other as he stood in the middle. It looked like he was telling them a story. She didn't see Lela anywhere in sight. This made her extremely nervous. Where was she?

"Hey, what's wrong? Anxiety coming back again?" Brady asked taking her attention off of the group. "Yeah..." Mack sighed. Brady placed his hands on her shoulders. "Hey, everything's going to be okay. I'm not sure what happened, but whenever you feel comfortable telling me, I'm all ears." He said giving her a warm smile.

This gave Mack a warm feeling. Brady was the most amazing friend she had. "Thanks Brady." Mack replied. She wrapped him in a hug. She hoped that she would get the courage to tell him one day. "Hey, I gotta go!" She cried, suddenly realizing that her class was starting soon.

"See you later!" He said as she hurried out of the car. She began walking fast hoping that Tanner and his friends wouldn't see her. Luckily she made it passed them.

Lunch time.....

Mack laughed amongst her friends at the table. Regardless of her morning anxiety, today had been going surprisingly well. "So, you managed to eat three whole pizzas in one sitting and not die?" Julia asked Devon in surprise. "Yeah, pretty much!" Devon said, causing the entire table to erupt with laughter.

Just as their laughter died, Tanner and his group came strutting in the cafeteria causing all heads to turn in their direction. Mack's entire body had fallen cold when her eyes fell on Lela. Tanner's arm had claimed her shoulders as usual.

Her face was hard to read. This worried her because she wasn't sure what she was thinking. Tanner and the group sat down at their usual table. Mack couldn't take her eyes off of Lela. "She actually kisses my girlfriend! Now usually I think that's hot, but I think actually has some lezzy crush on her!" Tanner shouted from his table.

The entire table erupted with laughter. Mack couldn't take it anymore. Her eyes had begun to swell with tears. She suddenly stood up, excusing herself from the table. "Mack, what's wrong?!" Brady asked with worry in his tone. "Nothing Brady!" She cried, hurrying away as her voice had began to crack.

Lela noticed Mack rushing out of the cafeteria. When Mack made it to the restroom, she began to ball her eyes out. She couldn't believe that in a week her life was starting to fall apart. Why did she have to fall for Lela? Why couldn't she just have ignored her in the bathroom that night? It was too late now. Everything had already happened.

She suddenly heard footsteps causing her to quickly wipe away her tears. The bathroom door swung open revealing Alyssa. This day had just gotten worse. Mack began to walk away, when Alyssa had suddenly blocked her. "Is it true?" Alyssa asked looking disgusted. "Is what true?" Mack asked, trying to avoid this situation at all costs.

"That you're a dyke!" She spat harshly. Mack was appalled by her words. They made her stomach churn. "I don't know what you're talking abo--" "Oh don't lie to me Mack! Tanner told everyone that you kissed Lela! You know Lela isn't gay right?" She interrupted.

Mack didn't know how much more of this she could take. How dare Alyssa judge her when she was sleeping with Tanner behind Lela's back. "Hello?! Earth to Mack!" Alyssa hissed. Mack stepped back, walking over toward the sink. "Oh my god, it's true!" Alyssa cried in shock.

"Tanner is a liar!" Mack shouted. "No, you're disgusting!" Alyssa shouted back. Her words stung. Mack wanted to leave. Alyssa turned around opening the door. She came face to face with Lela. "Lela, you might not want to go in there! Lezzie alert!" Alyssa warned. Lela flashed her a fake smile.

"Thanks for the heads up, but I'm sure I'll be fine." Lela replied. "Suit yourself!" Alyssa said, strutting away. Lela walked in the bathroom, coming face to face with Mack. Mack had no words. They both stared into each other's sad eyes. "Mack..." was all that Lela could manage to say. Mack was completely embarrassed. She suddenly began walking away when she felt Lela's arms wrap around her gently.

"I'm so sorry Mack. I'm so sorry." She whispered sending chills up her spine. Mack turned around to face her. Mack couldn't believe what was happening. Her heart felt like it was racing a million beats a minute. She wrapped Lela in a warm hug resting her forehead against hers. "I'm so sorry Mack." Lela whispered again.

The pleasant scent of vanilla invaded her nostrils. Even though today has gone horribly, she was happy that Lela wasn't treating her badly. "Lela..." Mack whispered. "Shhh" Lela responded, rubbing circles on her back soothingly. "Let's get out of here. Let's go." Mack said. "I wish we could." Lela whispered back. "But you know Tanner--" "Fuck Tanner!" Mack cried.

"You're so much better than him. You don't need him." A tear fell down Lela's cheek. "Oh Mack.." Lela whispered. Lela lightly cupped Mack's face, kissing her softly. "Can we please get out of here?" Mack begged. Still holding her face Lela looked deep into her sad eyes. A tiny smile spread across her lips. "...okay" she finally spoke. "I'll just tell Tanner that I'm not feeling well. We took separate cars today." Lela finished causing Mack to sigh in satisfaction.

"What are we doing?" Lela asked. "I don't know." Mack replied. Lela softly kissed her cheek before walking toward the door. "Wait for a few minutes." Lela smiled. Mack nodded watching her leave. She was relieved that Lela was still talking to her. She was afraid that she would stop. Mack wondered how long this was going to go on before she finally broke it off with Tanner.

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