Chapter 6

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"Mack please, you have to tell me what's wrong!" Brady begged. Brady had decided to come over that morning and Mack was balling in his arms. "Mack...please." He whispered, letting her go and caressing her face. "Please tell me what's wrong." Mack couldn't hold it in anymore.

She had to tell someone or she was going to explode. "I think I might be..." She started. He nodded for her to continue. "I've been spending time with Lela this week. We've grown really close. I've always had feelings for her..." Mack went on to tell him the entire story. By the time she was finished, Brady wore a blank expression.

This scared Mack because she wasn't sure how he was feeling. He was beginning to scare her. She opened her mouth to speak when Brady suddenly hugged her. This surprised her, but she welcomed it. "I'm sorry that you felt that you couldn't tell me. You know you're my best friend and I love you regardless."

This made Mack cry tears of joy. "Brady you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that!" She cried hugging him tighter. When they eventually let go, Brady took her hands in his. "Mackenzie, I promise to always be by your side no matter what. I'm here for you." He spoke softly.

More tears flooded Mack's eyes. After everything that she had heard the night before, she was relieved to be hearing this. "From what you told me it sounds like Lela really likes you to except that she was just afraid." She wanted to believe this. She hoped that it was true.

What if this was just a fling for Lela? She hoped it wasn't true, but she wasn't really sure. She pushed it out of her mind. "Don't you think camping was a bit too much for a first date?" Brady laughed lightheartedly. "Perhaps!" Mack replied letting out a soft laugh.

There was a brief moment of silence before one of them spoke. "So, are you going to tell your grandpa?" Brady asked. This question surprised her. She had totally forgotten about coming out to him because she had just came out to Brady. She wasn't sure how she felt about it.

"I understand if you aren't ready. I think he'll love you regardless. But if you don't want to tell him yet, that's totally fine. I learned that it's best to take as long as you'd like." Brady assured her. Mack was shocked by his comment. "Where is all of this coming from?" She asked.

"Well I had a gay friend in middle school. Lots of the kids picked on him, but I always stood up for him. One day I wasn't there to defend him and...some guys had beaten him to death. They found his body in a dumpster by the school. I hated that I wasn't there to protect him." Brady said, as his mood suddenly began to deteriorate.

"Brady I'm so sorry." Mack replied. She felt bad for him. She had no idea that something like this happened. "No need to apologize. It's not like it was your fault. It just made me realize that all I can do is just continue to be there for my friends when I can." He said. A soft smile formed on his lips.

Mack suddenly had the urge to tell her grandpa. He was downstairs making breakfast in the kitchen. Both of them could smell it from all the way upstairs. "I think I'll tell him." Mack said

"I'm right behind you." Brady replied following her off of the bed. They gave each other a soft smile and he took her hand. "Ready?" He asked. "Ready." She nodded. They both made their way down the stairs and into the kitchen where her grandpa was making breakfast.

"Ahhh, Brady and Mack! Good morning!" Her grandpa greeted. "Good morning" they responded in unison. Her grandpa looked slightly confused when he noticed them holding hands. " there something you two need to tell me?" He asked.

Brady and Mack giggled at his confusion. "Yes, actually. Grandpa, I'm..." Mack looked up at Brady who encouraged her to continue. "I'm gay." She finally said. She looked away, instantly regretting this decision.

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