Chapter 1

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Mack walked alongside Brady and Devon in the hallway. Devon seemed to be enthralled over a huge wave her surfed over the weekend. "It almost flipped me over. My life was flashing right before my eyes bro." he claimed. Dude, that's wicked!" Brady laughed.

"I know bro!" Brady and Devon exchanged high fives erupting with laughter. Mack giggled a bit shaking her head. The two boys acted like idiots at times, but she loved them anyway.

"What about you little beach bunny? How was your weekend?" Devon asked looking over at Mack. Mack laughed finally accepting the fact that regardless of how many time she told him to stop calling her that, that he never would. "Netflix" She simply stated, causing them both to erupt with laugher.

"Funny as always." Brady says giving her a soft but brief side hug. "So, are you guys up for a Drive-in movie this weekend? I hear they're screening The Shadow Man!" Mack is about to speak when she notices a familiar face in the distance.

Mack couldn't take her eyes off of her. She was completely in a daze. Mack couldn't help but gaze into her ocean blue eyes. Her porcelain skin gave her a beautiful glow. Her raven black hair hung down passed her shoulders. Mack could feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest.

Their eyes locked for a few seconds and Mack suddenly began to feel light headed. "I think I'm going to faint." She thought to herself. "Mack? Earth to Mack?" When Mack finally snapped out of it, she realized that Lela and her friends were gone and she had stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"Where were you just now? Brady asked tilting his head in confusion. Mack laughed trying to play it off. "Nowhere. I was just thinking about...some chemistry project I have. So stressful!" "Ahh, bummer! Chemistry sucks! So, are you in for the Drive-in this weekend?"

She looked at the anxious looks on both Devon and Brady's faces. She couldn't resist. They were her best friends. "Yeah!" She nodded getting high fives from both of them at the same time. "The Shadow's going to be sick you guys!!" Devon cheered.

Mack flashed them a friendly smile. Mack hated lying to them. They were her best friends. She hated lying to Brady the most. But she wasn't ready to come out. She had just recently started having these feelings.

What scared her the most was the fact that she wasn't having these same feelings for boys that she once had. She felt as if she was a completely different person. She didn't understand. What made her feel this way about this one girl? Why was Lela so special to her? These were two questions that haunted every part of her mind.
She quickly pushed these thoughts away trying to focus on the rest of her day and the weekend ahead.

That weekend...

The Drive-in line was packed with cars. Devon and Brady sat in the front jamming out to "Holiday" by Greenday. Mack sat in the backseat watching them. She found this quite amusing. After the song ended she finally spoke.

"Brady's going to grow a beard by the time we get up there!" She cried. Brady pretended to be stroking a beard. "Dude, we should grow beards!" Devon suggested. "Yeah, man! Then I'm going to dye it blue!" Brady went on. "Blue beard!!" They both shouted at the same time. Mack rolled her eyes, trying to hold back a laugh.
After they got in, they eventually settled for a mediocre parking spot. "I guess everyone had the same idea in mind this weekend." Mack said looking at the sea of cars. A few minutes later, the movie started.

The movie wasn't like the average horror film. It was a bit more complex. This is what freaked Mack out the most. In need of a bathroom break and some fresh air, Mack excused herself from the car.

She walked over toward the bathrooms noticing a couple of people from her school. She gave them a wave and walked inside. While in the stall she began looking through her phone and noticed that she had gotten a message from her grandpa. "Stay safe tonight. I'm hoping that you're making wise decisions." She quickly replied with "Of course Grandpa." and hit send.

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