Chapter 21

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I love the reactions! It makes me want to keep writing‼️

Sehun sat in his seat.
His knee bouncing due to his nervousness.

Just like he had promised he was to meet Eunwoo.

His heart beat like crazy.
"This is stupid, why am I doing this?" He said to himself.

And before he could get up and leave he was met by a hand in front of him.
Eunwoo stood in front of his waving his hand in front of his face.

"Hi!." He said cheerfully.
Sehun gulped , he was too cheerful.

Eunwoo sat down in front of him.
"Thanks for keeping me company, I don't really have no one to hang out with." He said while batting his eyelashes.

Sehun Chuckled nervously.
"I-it's fine."
He didn't know why, but deep down he was staring to feel........Uncomfortable?

That was impossible.
He had always felt comfortable around Eunwoo.
But things had changed. So did he.

"Well should we order now?" Eunwoo asked smiling.

Sehun looked at him "Y-yeah."

Eunwoo and Sehun walked out of the cafe, side by side.
And too close for Sehuns liking.

"It was nice getting to hang out with you , Sehunie." Eunwoo said.

Sehun nodded.
"Yeah , It was okay. I didn't really have anything to do either way."

Eunwoo hummed.
Than all of a sudden he grabbed his arm. And proceeded to lock their arms in bride style.
"Really? Than should we go to the grocery store? I need to get some food, since a friend of mine asked me to." He said.

Sehun looked at him, he was planning on going home and apologizing to jungkook.

"Please Sehunie?"

Sehun sighed and nodded.
"Great let's go!"

"Jungkook ah?"

Jungkook looked up and saw Kai standing at his doorway.
"Can you head to the grocery store? I could go but I'm busy right now. If you don't mind?"

Jungkook nodded "Sure I'll just call my friend and ask if he wants to join."

Kai smiled "Thanks!"

Jungkook scrolled through his contact list and selected a particular name.


-mingyu Hyung? Care to help me?"

Mingyu chuckled nervously
-great meet me at the store in thirty minutes-

Jungkook stood outside the store, waiting for a certain male.

All of a sudden he heard someone running and breathing like they were out of breath.

"J-j-junkook ah!"
Mingyu yelled while breathing heavily.

Jungkook smirked.
"Well I see I still make you run to me, don't I?"

Mingyu scoffed.

Both males used to date back in middle school.
They dated since seventh grade until they were both in eleventh grade. Than jungkook decided to call it quits. Of course Mingyu was heartbroken.
But he managed to get over him. Although the male would make his heart skip every once in a while.

"I'm over you, kookie. So Chill out." He put his hands on his hips and looked at the store.
He looked at jungkook , "you wanted me to come, just so that I could carry your shit?"

Jungkook smiled. "You know me so well Hyung."
Mingyu pouted.
Jungkook laughed , he grabbed his arm "In just kidding Mingyu, I want you to help me pick some stuff and of course, get to learn about each other . How long has it been-" but was cut off by Mingyu.

"It's been exactly four years, seven months, a hundred and seven days, three thousand and one hours , fifty minutes and twenty seconds. Hah! Can your boyfriend do that!?" He yelled excitedly.

Jungkook looked at him in shock.
Mingyu smirked " don't worry i don't think about you at all. You see I have the greatest boyfriend ever."

Jungkook smiled "and who is that guy?"


Jungkook stopped smiling.
"Huh? How? W-what? Wasn't that the that used to bully you for your socks back then?"

Mingyu nodded.
"Yup , we met during school when WE broke up. And we started dating"

Jungkook nodded "See? It wasn't that hard."

Mingyu looked at him.
"Shut it."

Jungkook laughed.

Even after all this time they had stayed in touch. Well not all the time.

They had ended the relationship because Jungkook had met Taehyung. You could say Jungkook left Mingyu for Taehyung, but thats not it.
Mingyu was going through a hard time, so was jungkook. Their relationship wasn't all roses and kisses. They argued. They broke up but got back together. Dating at a young age wasn't right for them.
They were still immature, but managed to get thru some tough times, and others not so much.
But both males still had love for each other.

"Alright let's go in." Jungkook said.
Mingyu nodded.

Both Mingyu and Jungkook looked at the live seafood in front of them.
Squid, octopus,fish,clams. You get the idea.

"Ah Mingyu which one should I get."

Mingyu stared at the live things in front of him with a horrified look.
So did Jungkook.

Both males had a lot of things in common.
But the one they shared the most, was the horrifying sight of live seafood in front of them.
"I-I don't know. Oh god! We shouldn't have come here!" Mingyu said with a horrified look.

Jungkook shuddered.
"Fucking Kai, out of all the things he put seafood on the list. Couldn't he be more specific? He should've put dead fish. Dead squid. Cut in pieces Octopus."

Mingyu nodded and reached for jungkooks hand. Holding it tightly.
Jungkook held tightly as well.
"Remember I have a boyfriend, I'm just scared, that dang fish keeps looking at me. I feel highly uncomfortable, almost as it was raping me with its eyes." Mingyu said while looking away.

Jungkook nodded "it's alright,I'm not complaining."

"Sir? Can we get a pound of squid? And another pound of octopus?"

"Yes hold on a minute."

While the seller was busy weighing the animals, jungkook looked around and caught sight of a certain male.
His eyes widened when he realized it was Sehun and next to him was Eunwoo.

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