Chapter 18

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April 6,2020
Jungkook was now driving back. He had gone to another store real quick to get the food he'd been craving for.

As he pulled up to the drive way he was surprised to see the group he didn't hang out with anymore on their front lawn. He watched as they laughed at whatever Namjoon had said.

Jugnkook smiled. He remembered how he used to watch them from afar and laugh whenever they did.

He turned off the engine and stepped out, opening the back door to get his bags. As he turned and looked up he saw his hyungs staring at him.

Do they ever stop staring ? He thought.

He nodded quickly before turning around to enter through the house gate.

"Jungkook ah!"

Jungkook turned around and saw Hoseok motioning for him to come over.

He hesitated.
"We have food! " yelled Hoseok once again.

Jungkook looked at his bags.
All of a sudden the smell of something sweet and sour reached his nose.
And before he knew it he yanked open his car door and threw his bags right in.
Locking it and walked over to them.

Hoseok smiled and walked to him hugging him tightly.
"We thought you'd never accept." He said.

Jungkook half nodded. He was here only for the food. And that's it.
"We have your favorite dish, jajangmyeon." Hoseok continued.

Jungkook inhaled sharply "That smells nasty." He said.

Everybody looked at him with a look of disbelief.

"Jungkook ah what are you talking about? It's your favorite dish." Said yoongi.

Everybody stared at him weirdly.

Jungkook winced "No I prefer something spicy or sour." He said.

"But you hate sour and spicy things." Said Namjoon.

Jungkook was confused.
His whole diet had changed all of a sudden.

"Uh.....not now?" He said, more like a question.

"Well whatever can I just have a big plate of that kimchi there?" He asked.

Everybody looked at Jin.

Jin looked at him weirdly.
"Sure, anything else?" He asked as he was preparing the dish.
"Yea and a lot of tteokbokki, please." He said.

Jin was in disbelief. Jungkook had never liked any of those foods. But continued to fill up his plate.

Namjoon motioned for jungkook to sit down next to him. Jungkook was about to decline when he saw the rest of the food on the table.

And without hesitation sat down right next to him.

He looked in front of him and saw Jimin looking at him. He looked back down and played with his hands. Yoongi sat down next to him.

He looked up when he saw Jin putting down his plate in front of him. Without waiting for an 'enjoy' like usual he dug right in.

Everybody smiled fondly at him. That was still their jungkook no matter what.

Jimin picked up some spicy squid and was now handing it to jungkook, who looked at him than the plate.
He accepted it with a 'thank you'.

Jimin smiled . He believed that Jungkook and him could get past This and become friends again.

Jungkook kept eating, and without him noticing he had emptied his plate. He kept taking whatever food he had in front of him and eat it.

Everybody watched him.
Jungkook had never eaten that much before. Especially food he has never liked.

As jungkook was eating his phone went off.
Using one hand he held it up and answered.
"What do you want?" He said with a harsh tone.

He didn't know why, but all of a sudden his mood changed.


Jungkook with a confused look pulled back his phone and looked at the caller Id.
It was Sehun.

He hung up and went back to eating.

"I'm b- oh jungkook?"

Jungkook looked up and saw Eunwoo smiling at him.

He nodded.
"Nice seeing you here. What a big appetite you have." Eunwoo said.

Jungkook nodded and went back to eating.
"Oh Taehyung ah, do you have any condoms?" Eunwoo asked.

Jungkook stopped midway.

Jungkook looked down at his stomach.
When was the last time he used condoms?

That's when everything started hitting jungkook.
The changed diet. The mood swings.

But he couldn't be could he.
He slowly put down his chopsticks.
And looked up at the person he had trusted the most.


Jungkook got up the table as quick as he could almost falling over.
He ran to Jin and yanked his arm making him walk towards his car.

"Jungkook! What are you doing?" Jin shrieked. Jungkook had never acted like this before.

Everybody else got up and started walking towards them. Confused as to what was happening.

Jungkook yanked open his car door and flung Jin inside, closing the door behind him.

All the time his heart beat.
He was scared. He felt insecure.

He opened the drivers door and got in starting The engine. And sped out, onto the road.

Jin sniffed around.
"Are those pickles I smell?" He asked.

Jungkooks hands started trembling.
He tried to hold onto the wheel.

"Jungkook ah! Watch it!" Jin yelled.

Jungkook swerved out of the cars way.

"Jungkook calm down! What's going on!?" He yelled.

He didn't answer Instead he focused on the road.

Upon arriving to the store he looked at Jin while he parked.

"I need your help. But you have to promise me, promise me you won't say a thing. I'm trusting you one last time. Jin Hyung. One more chance." He said.


I think this one was a bit shorter and oi I'm sorry 💚
But I'm loving these reactions.
I think I'll make y'all suffer a bit more with them CLIFF HANGERS

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