Chapter 15

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April 3 2020
Jungkook stopped in front of the gate breathing heavily. He put his hands on his knees and started taking deep breaths. It was hard since he hadn't ran in a while. He slowly sat down on the curve and took off his jacket. If he wanted to he could've taken off his pants, but he was too tired. He layed back on the sidewalk and just layed there. He closed his eyes for a moment but was interrupted when he heard someone clearing their throat.

Curious he opened one eye and saw the last person he would want to see on the earth staring down at him.


Jungkook closed his eyes again hoping it was just a hallucination. He opened them once again to see taehyung still standing there. He groaned in his mind and sat up slowly. He looked down at his hands not sure what to say.

Taehyung sat down next to him making sure to put a small space between him. Don't get him wrong he wasn't in love with Jungkook anymore.

He extended his arm to give Jungkook a water bottle. When Jungkook had looked at it his mouth started realizing it was dry. And the water was ice cold. He looked at Taehyung and back at the water bottle.

"Don't worry I didn't poison it." Taehyung said.

Jungkook scoffed softly.
Taehyungs smile slowly disappeared he slowly retracted his hand but the water bottle was snatched from Jungkook who drank half of it immediately.

"You ran for quite a while. Probably 30 minutes. You usually would be gone for an hour or three." Taehyung said, hoping to have a conversation.

Jungkook closed his eyes "I haven't ran in a while. He said.

Taehyung nodded. It was silent between them.
Jungkook was starting to get antsy.

Taehyung looked back at Jungkook "Listen uh...... I just wanted to say-" but was cut off with a "Jungkook!"

They both turned around and saw Sehun staring at them. Flames in his eyes and Jungkook immediately felt his legs weak. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't turned on at how hot he looked.

"Sehun! I just came back." Jungkook said while awkwardly looking at him and Taehyung.

Sehun looked at Taehyung which caused him to look away.
"I thought you knew where you belonged and it definitely isn't on my sidewalk." Sehun said.

Taehyung looked at him "It's a fucking sidewalk. I'm nowhere near your house."

Sehun walked up to him while cursing him out. Causing Taehyung to get up and walk to him as well. Both men started getting into each others faces.

Everybody from both houses came out to see what was the commotion all about. and hurriedly ran to separate the two.

"Stay the fuck away from him if you know what's better for you!" Sehun yelled while trying to break free from his hyungs grasp.

"I'd like to see you try! Come at me!" Taehyung yelled back trying to break free from his friends.

"You're so on!" Yelled Sehun.

Both males had broken free from their friends and darted at each other.
But were stopped by a certain male who got in between them.

"Stop!" Yelled Jungkook, while holding his hand on both males chest.

Sehun looked at him "He was talking to you!"

Jungkook looked at him "We really weren't talking about anything Sehun. Please calm down there is nothing going on." With a look of plea.

Sehun glared at Taehyung, who was watching him with a smirk.

"Just so you know, I had the best sex ever with him last night." Sehun said with a smirk.

Jungkook had turned red at the comment.

Taehyung than pushes Jungkook away and lunges at Sehun , punching him in the jaw.

"Yah Taehyung!"
"Calm down!"

"Don't mess with my friend!"

Sehun had lunged back at Taehyung and punched him in the nose.

Before he could do anything else he was pulled away by an obviously upset Jungkook.
"Hyung please stop. " he whispered to him while hugging him.

Sehun looked at the petite male in his arms and nodded.

Taehyung had pulled Jimins arm away from him.
"Don't fucking touch me." He spat at his hyungs.

"Yah Taehyung lets go!" Yelled an angry Jin.

Namjoon put his arm around taehyung and took him away from there.

Hoseok Bowed and apologized.
Suho reassured him that it was alright, but Jungkook could tell by the look in his eyes that it wasn't alright.

Jin looked at his friends and motioned for them to go back. Jimin had began to walk away but turned back one last time to see Jungkook whispering things to Sehun. Watching him be able to calm him down. He turned and walked away.

"Taehyung what the hell were you thinking!" Yelled Jin.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" He yelled back.

Jin went and grabbed Taehyungs arm only for him to snatch it away.
"What the fuck! You can't just talk to Jungkook like that expecting something out of him!" He yelled.

Taehyung looked at him with an angry face "What I do in life is none of your business, nobody's business in this fucking room!" He yelled at everyone.

Jimin stepped forward "Babe I think you should calm down."

Taehyung glared at him "Calm down?! You expect me to calm down! If that asshole hadn't came and fucked up my talk with Jungkook I would've gotten something out of it!"

"What exactly did you expect to get from him! You cheated on him!" Yelled Jimin.

"I wanted to talk to him okay! I hate to admit it! I still have something for him!......." Taehyung yelled.
Nobody expected his confession.

Jimin glared at him "Then why the hell are you with me?!"

"Because I love you!" Taehyung yelled back.
He went up to Jimin and hugged him "I'm sorry , I'm sorry, I'm just angry. I'm sorry, forgive me?"

Jimin Hugged back" it's okay Tae, apologize to your hyungs now."

Taehyung nodded and apologized to his friends.

They accepted his apology.

Taehyungs phone than began ringing.
"Oh hello?"

"Taehyung ah how have you been remember me?" Said the voice at the other end.

"Oh wait.... Eunwoo!?"

Okay. I promised I'd be back. So now I am.
:) follow the Instagram @ toplesshsk

Please!? Please!!!!

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