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Alaistor and Evie were sitting in the Chemistry class with others. Gold sat beside them.

Evie asks Alaistor dreamily, "Is he anywhere in line for the throne ?"

Gold looked up to see Evie staring at a guy who was everything but cute, princely or amything good.

"Chad Charming. Son of Cinderella and Charming Sr." said Alaistor, unhappily.

"Evie !" called out the teacher.

"Yes ?"

"What is the atomic weight of silver ?" asked the teacher.

Gold knew the answer but Evie said, "Um, not very much, uh, as it is an atom, but, um.."

The teacher called her up.

Evie used her magic mirror to write the answer. Chad looked smitten by her. He passed her a note. It said that he asked her to meet him under the bleachers.

Alaistor looked far from happy.

After the class, Alaistor ran upto Gold.

"Hey Gold ! Wait up !"

"Hey Al !" said Gold.

"Uh, hey, G.." said Alaistor.

Gold raised her eyebrow.

"So, um, you know, I wanted to talk about something.." said Alaistor.

Gold smirked, "Let me guess, Evie ?"

"Yeah. No ! I mean.." stumbled Alaistor.

"Al, chill. I know. She's just a bit...fragile. She needs love and care. And also support. You can tutor her in Chem." said Gold.

"But, you are amazing in Chem. Won't she come to you ?" asked Alaistor.

"Yeah, you know how I can make excuses..so.." said Gold, smirking.

"Thanks G !" exclaimed Alaistor.

He went to hug Gold but she stepped back.

"Uh uh. I'm a villain. I don't do hugs." said Gold.

Alaistor laughed as they both high-fived.

Saw some serious Eviaistor scenes there..do you guys ship them like I do ?? Write in the comments..sorry for the late update..

Beautiful and Long ♡A Ben Beast Story♡ ( Ongoing )Where stories live. Discover now