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Ben took all of the VKs in front of the big statue of his father. He clapped his hands and the statue turned into a beast.

Carlos got scared and jumped into Jay's arms.

"Carlos stop being such a scaredy cat !" snapped Gold.

"Does he shed much ?" asked Mal.

"Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch.." said Ben.

"No like seriously.." asked Gold.

"Yeah.." replied Ben with a sigh, as if to let out a breath he was holding when he looked at Gold.

All of them went inside the castle.

"So you guys have magic wands and sorts of things ?" asked Mal.

"Yeah. But most of them are in the museums, we are just normal people.." said Ben, smiling.

"Who just happen to be kings and queens..really ? Normal people ?" said Gold, sarcastically.

"Well, we try to be normal.." said Ben.

"Yes, our royal bloodline goes way back for thousands and thousands of years. " says Audrey.

"Um, guys this is Doug, son of Dopey, Alaistor, son of Aladdin, Shane, son of Snow White and Apple, daughter of Snow White, sister of Shane and the girlfriend of Doug." said Ben.

"Woah, a hell lot of people for just five VKs..oh I know why, because we're evill, and we're gonna hurt everybody.." said Gold.

"No no no..it is not like that..well, we just.." said Ben.

"Anyway, they will help you out..if you have any problem-" said Ben.

"Ask them." Audrey said.

"Don't worry, we're not gonna steal your little boyfriend or your royalty." said Gold.

"Water under the bridge ?" said Audrey.

"Totes !" said Gold.

Both of the girls shared a fake laugh after which Audrey and Ben went away.

"Hey guys I'm Doug and this is my girlfriend Apple, now I'm so sorry, but we'll have to leave, the coronation is coming..so..anyway..bye.." said Doug.

The couple exited leaving the two boys shocked.

"So, lets get on with our schedule alright ? We ha-..oh.." said Alaistor when he saw Evie.

He was completely smitten by her. He was staring at her.

"Evie. Daughter of the Evil Queen." said Evie flirtily.

Alaistor stared at her dreamily.

"Um, Al, you could stop drooling over her !" muttered Shane.

Gold smirked. Mal came forward. Shane looked at Mal as if she was a fairy. Gold mentally face-palmed herself.

As the girls proceeded towards their dorms, Gold silently told the other girls, "Great going girls ! Now you have princes falling at your feet.."

Evie and Mal kept silent.

When all of them entered their rooms, Gold discovered that she had a separate room for herself. She saw Ben passing by when she called out, "Hey Ben !"

Ben seemed to have lit up and turned his bead towards her. He came up to her.


"So, I've got a new room.."

"Yes, don't you like it ?"

"It's okay, but I would have liked it better if I was sharing a room with my friends."

"Oh..sorry for that..actually there was no space..so.."

"It's alright..the room's not so bad.."



Ben saw a hair falling on her face. He raised his hand.

"Hey, um, you have a hair-"

"Don't touch my hair. Ever." said Gold.

Ben nodded.

"Can I ask you something ?"


"You won't mind ?"

"It depends on the question.."

"I was wondering, why do you always keep your hair tied up ? I mean always in a up-do..no braid, no ponytail, only a bun.." said Ben.

Gold seemed to have been caught off-guard but she gathered herself and said, "That's a story for my mom to know, me to understand and you to never find out.."

"Uh.." started Ben.

"Does that answer your question ?"

"Not exactly, but it'll do."

"Good enough."

"Okay, so if you need anything, ask me.." said Ben as he turned to leave.

Suddenly Gold said, "Ben !"

Ben turned around. Gold came and hugged Ben. Ben was caught off-guard. He was blushing slightly. He could feel his body heat up.

Gold whispered into his ears, "Don't try to learn my secrets, Beast Boy. Or you'll be in deep trouble before you can say Auradon."

Ben slightly shivered at the threat. But he took it as a challenge.

Gold separated and fake smiled sweetly. She was about to go when Ben pulled her hand and hugged her. Gold didn't know what was happening.

Ben whispered back, "Don't worry, Blonde Beauty, I'll know your secrets before I can say Auradon."

Gold said coldly, "You'll be in deep trouble.."

"Only if I get caught." said Ben as he smiled.

When they separated their cheeks brushed past and both of them were silent. Ben walked away leaving Gold shocked.

Gold felt weird about this encounter with Ben. She didn't know why. She wasn't suppose to feel like at all. She couldn't let Ben know her secret when she was trying to figure it out herself, she just couldn't.

Ben didn't feel why he dared to say those things to Gold. Who was he kidding, Gold was a VK, and she was so closed off, how on earth would he know her secret. It seemed like even she didn't have a reasonable explanation of her secret herself. He brushed off the feeling, and proceeded towards his room, with Gold's face lingering in the back of his mind.

So, how was the chap ? Gold is hiding something, but what ? But she doesn't know a lot of things herself ? With new feelings building up, will Ben be able to know Gold's secret ?

So the line, 'You will be in deep trouble' and Only if I get caught'

Is actually taken from Aladdin where Jasmine asks Aladdin, "Are we in trouble ?" and Aladdin answers, "Only if you get caught.."

Beautiful and Long ♡A Ben Beast Story♡ ( Ongoing )Where stories live. Discover now