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Ben and Gold were talking to the royal couple of Corona, when they heard a commotion.

Queen Leah, the mother of Sleeping Beauty, and the grandmother of Audrey was insulting and accusing Mal for what Maleficent did to Aurora.

Shane walked up to Mal, and hugged her from the side, protecting her from Queen Leah.

"Queen Leah, please. She's not her mother. It wasn't her fault !" defended Shane.

Audrey glared at him, "Can you believe him, grandma ?! He's defending her ! She's a villain, and she's already got him wrapped around her finger like that ! Points to you for being such an enchantress !"

"Woah woah what's happening ?" said Ben, running up to them.

"Ben, how could you ?! How could you possibly have villains in Auradon ?! They have ruined our lives before, did you think they would change now ?!" accused Queen Leah.

"Please, Queen Leah, just give them a chance. They are not like their parents. Everyone deserves a second chance-" said Ben.

"Oh please ! Look at him ! He has changed the moment these VKs entered Auradon ! In fact, he has gotten his heart captured by the evil miss blonde here !" said Chad.

"That's enough, Chad." said Ben, sternly.

"Scared of dogs ! What an absolute loser ! Stealing and violence in the team ! Enchanting princes to fulfil their evil motives..and you.." said Chad, looking at the VKs, his eyes fixed at Gold.

"Grandma, do you know who she is ?" said Audrey.

"Audrey, stop." said Ben.

"Gold, daughter of the infamous Mother Gothel !" said Audrey, making Queen Leah gasp.

She raised a finger at Gold, "You ! You ! Your mother ! She kidnapped our beloved Raven ! You don't deserve second chances ! Should've stayed where you belong, the whole lot !"

"That's enough, Queen Leah. We've heard enough." said Queen Rapunzel.

"Queen Leah, you can say whatever you want to me, but not to my friends, never to my friends.." said Gold.

"Ha ! Look who's talking ! Stealing boyfriends, doing whatever cursed magic, trying to capture everything at your disposal, manipulation - just like your mother." said Chad.

Now Ben was angry. He walked towards Chad and grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that ! Do you understand ?!" exclaimed Ben, visibly angry.

Ben was rarely angry, all of Auradon knew that. Ben was always a sweet kid who was reasonable and kind in every matter, but if he ever was angry, you would understand that the matter was serious.

Chad staggered back, "Hey hey buddy, no need to get violent. See ? Blondie already has him wrapped around her finger."

"Chad stop !" yelled Evie.

"You..you little cheat. Using your magic mirror to show that you're so smart, but you're not fooling anyone, everyone knows you're not cut out for anything at all.." said Chad.

"Really ? We all know who's the real cheat." said Evie, as she took out her magic mirror, "Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land ?!"

The mirror showed Chad's face, flipping him out, as he advanced towards Evie with a yell, but Jay and Carlos blocked him. This started a fight and Evie quickly used the perfume Mal had given her.

"Here, this perfume will help you to tranquilize anyone which means that the person would faint." said Mal, giving the perfume bottle to Evie.

"Okay, thanks." said Evie.

"Use it on the guards when we steal the magic wand." said Gold.

"What are you doing ?" said Evie, as she turned her head towards the voice.

"I'm looking for a way to reverse the Love potion. I have to find a cure with deeper effect, if, and only if, like you guys said, feelings are involved." said Gold, not taking her head up from Mal's spellbook.

"G, are you okay ?" said Mal, sitting beside her.

"Yeah, absolutely. I figured, when we steal the wand and take over the kingdom, it would be too evil for Ben to still be under the influence of the love potion and still be in love with me.." said Gold.

"G, you don't have to-" started Evie.

"I have to, we don't have a choice. Our parents are counting on us, and we can't fail them, not this time." said Gold, as she walked away from the duo.

"Does she realise she's hurting herself ?" asked Evie.

"Maybe, maybe not. I just wish Ben's sane and intelligent enough to see her pain.." said Mal.

"Have you thought about Shane ?"
"What ?"
"Shane..what you're gonna say to him ? You know, after we take over the world."

"No. I haven't, and for thr first time ever, it scares me." said Mal, sighing, pain very much visible in her expression.

This made Evie think about what all of them has to lose when their parents win this war. Mal would lose Shane, the one of the only people who love her for herself and isn't scared of her. Evie herself would lose chemistry, the subject she has grown to love, and Alastair, the person who has always supported her, no matter what. Carlos would lose Dude, the dog, the only thing in this world he has ever loved other than the VKs, and the only thing who has loved him back too. Jay would lose his team, his sportsman spirit, the only thing that has made feel like he mattered, like he belonged.

They would all lose huge parts of their lives, the good parts of their lives in this war between good and evil, and the worst part ?
They don't even have a choice.

The VKs sprint from their, angry and hurt, as Ben called out to Gold, while she walked away with them, with Mal grabbing her hand, hurt and disappointment completely visible on her face, making Ben squirm and his heart break, because when he brought Gold to this event, he had expected good things, but he wanted things to escalate like this. As Ben stood there, watching Gold and the other VKs go, he felt the King and Queen of Corona stand beside him, with Queen Rapunzel putting a hand on the shoulder of the very disappointed boy.

A/N : Okay hey ! I am so sorry for being so late ! Now, an important announcement. I have realised that I missed a lot of scenes in between, simply because I have forgotten the plot of the movie and I'm too bored and lazy to re-watch it. But don't worry, you would get those scenes as flashbacks, so you would also get Ben and Gold's lake date as a flashback in the next chapter.
Also, a request, could you guys maybe just tell me what happened after family day in the movie ? Just a recap so that I can confirm the plot of the story.

Beautiful and Long ♡A Ben Beast Story♡ ( Ongoing )Where stories live. Discover now