9.5K 195 23

As the limo entered Auradon, Gold could see some people, a marching band and a girl and a boy standing.

All five of the VKs got out of the limo. Carlos and Jay were fighting.

"Guys ! Leave it ! We've got guests.." said Gold as she kicked the boys.

"Hello I am Fairy Godmother, the principal of this school.." said the lady in blue.

"Fairy Godmother as bibbity bobbity boo ?" asked Mal.

"Yes dear.." said Fairy Godmother.

"Oh..I mean I always felt how it would be for Cinderella to meet you with that sparkly wand, and the warm smile, and that sparkly wand.." said Gold.

Mal smirked at Gold as if to say, Good going girl !

"Oh that's the past. Like I always say, don't think about the past, or you'll lose focus on the future.." said Fairy Godmother with a smile.

Gold smiled forcefully.

The boy who was standing behind Fairy Godmother spoke up, "I am Ben-"

"Prince Benjamin, soon to be king." said the girl who was standing, more like clinging onto the boy named Ben.

Evie said dreamily, "You had me at prince. My mom's a queen, so, that makes a princess.."

The girl said, "The Evil Queen has no royal status here and neither do you.."

Gold said to the girl, "Hey, love the dress by the way, it would look bad if it got dirty, don't you think ?"

The girl glared at Gold.

Evie leaned in and whispered a thanm you to which Gold just nodded.

"And this is Audrey-" started Ben.

"Princess Audrey, his girlfriend, right bennyboo ?" said the girl.

The boy smiled which seemed a fake one to Gold.

"Right, so, Ben and Audrey will show you around..and remember the doors of wisdom are never closed except for the library because of some curfew issues." said Fairy Godmother as she left.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all-" said Ben as he went to Jay.

Jay punched Ben on his shoulder. Ben just smiled painfully.

"After all, you all are here-" said Ben as he went towards Mal and did a quick handshake with her, did a handshake with Evie, and went to Carlos.

His hand was filled with chocolate.

He then went to Gold who was standing there, unimpressed.

"Uh, handshake ?" askee Ben who didn't know what to say.

"No, I'm good. I don't want your Auradon germs on me." replied Gold with a fake smile.

"Okay..so today's the day-" started Ben.

"You showed the bathrooms to five people." said Gold.

"A little over the top..?" asked Ben.

"Way over the top." said Gold.

"So much for a good impression " said Ben.

"We're VKs, good impression doesn't matter to us.." stated Gold.

"Right..why didn't I think of that ?" said Ben.

"Hmm..hard pass.." said Gold.

Ben gave a small laugh with ended with a sigh, which could have possibly shown that Ben was impressed or smitten by the blonde beauty.

The way her eyes shone and her smirk was just so sarcastic.

"So, um,.." said Ben as he struggled for words.

Audrey said, "Hey aren't you Maleficent's daughter ? Well, my mom's the sleeping-"

"Beauty. Yeah, I've heard." said Mal.

"You know I totally don't blame your mom for almost ruining my mom's life !" said Audrey sweetly which was very fake.

"Yeah, I totally don't blame your grandparents for not inviting everyone except my mom at your mother's stupid christening. " said Mal.

Audrey raised her eyebrows warningly. She turned towards Gold.

"Hey aren't you Mother Gothel's daughter ? I mean who would've have thought that a person who stole other's babies to stay young, now has her own little daughter..who is far from being pretty" said Audrey.

"Yeah you're right, Audrey. I mean a girl, who is so fragile that she needs her prince to console her when she breaks a fingernail, I wonder how she survived the pain when she had you..her little poor baby.." said Gold.

If looks could kill, Gold would've been dead by now as per the deadly looks that Audrey was sending her.

Mal kind of side hugged Gold for teasing Audrey to the edge where she could break.

Beautiful and Long ♡A Ben Beast Story♡ ( Ongoing )Where stories live. Discover now