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Gold stood there inside the castle with the other VKs as all of them argue with their respective parents.

"Mom we are not going." said Mal.

"You have to get me the wand." said Maleficent.

"What's in it for us ?" Asked Gold.

"His and hers crowns.." said Maleficent.

"I-I think she meant us.." said Carlos.

After that the villains were made to agree to let us go.

While they were going, Mother Gothel pulled Gold and said, "You better take care of your hair and never let-"

"It down..I know" said Gold.

Gold always wore her hair up. She never let anyone see how long or short her hair was.

She sat inside the limo and saw the boys fighting for  chocolates.

She saw Evie do some make up and eat a blue rock candy.

Suddenly Evie said, "Hey Mal, you look washed out, let me fix that for ya.."

"Ew stop, I'm plotting.." replied Mal.

"Well, it's not very attractive. " said Evie.

Gold snickered.

Evie turned her head towards Gold.

"Hey G, your hair is falling.." said Evie as she was going to touch her hair.

Gold pulled back and snapped, "Don't touch my hair."

"Right.." said Evie.

It was a rule that no one was allowed to touch Gold's hair.

Carlos said, "Hey Jay, these chocolates are salty as nuts and sweet as I don't know..try them.."

Jay snatched the chocolate from Carlos' hand and put it in his mouth.

"Mhmmm" said Jay.

Carlos asked Gold, "Hey G, you want some ?"

"Nope, you guys have made me lose my appetite..seriously guys, clean up !" exclaimed Gold.

The two boys just shrugged.

Suddenly Evie exclaimed, "Guys look the bridge !"

"Aah !" Everyone screamed except Mal and Gold.

They just rolled their eyes at the others' childishness.

They passed the barrier and Mal asked the driver, "Hey did this little button, open up the barrier ?"

"Nope, this one did, and this one.." said the driver as he pulled the glass on them.

"Ooh..I like that guy.." said Mal evilly while Gold just rolled her eyes.

Beautiful and Long ♡A Ben Beast Story♡ ( Ongoing )Where stories live. Discover now