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At night, all the VKs were huddled together in Carlos and Jay's room. Jay dumped all the things he stole in Auradon.

"Why'd you steal things ?" asked Mal.

"Because I like to.." replied Jay.

"Or you could just wait until we take over the world.." said Mal.

Evie smirked, "You sound just like your mother.."

"Thank you.." said Mal.

"You do things your way, I do things my way.." said Jay.

"Hey guys, I need to say something.." said Gold.

"What up ?" asked Carlos, who had just sat down from the video gane he was playing.

"Well, Ben, is, um.." said Gold.

"Yeah...?" Evie asked, smirking slightly.

"Shut up, Eve. I was just saying that Ben is onto my hair." said Gold.

"What ?!" exclaimed everyone.

"Yeah, he wants to uncover the secret why I keep my hair tied up.." said Gold.

"Oh my God !" exclaimed Evie.

"This is bad..he can't know.." said Mal.

"Yeah, I mean if he knows.." said Jay.

"But you don't even know the full story G !" exclaimed Carlos.

"Exactly, that's why I can't risk it. I have to avoid him.." said Gold.

"No no no no..you can't !" said Mal.

"Why ?" asked Gold.

"Because we all know that Ben fancies you !" said Evie.

"What ?! Evie !!" exclaimed Gold.

"No kidding, but we have seen Ben, he seems to be more comfortable around you.." said Mal.

The boys slowly nodded in agreement. Gold was object when she actually thought about it. She wanted to make her mother proud. Gold nodded and everyone sighed, thinking about their parents.

Mal said, "Evie mirror me."

Evie took the mirror and sat on the table.

Evie said, "Mirror mirror..in the..in my hand..where..does the..magic wand..stand ?"

The magic mirror showed the wand.

"Zoom out"
"Stop !"

"It's in a museum !" exclaimed Mal.

"About 8 kms from here.." replied Carlos.

"Let's go !" yelled Mal.

All of the VKs buckled up and sneaked out.

When they reached the museum, they saw the guard.

"Mal do something, put the man to sleep or something like that.." hurried Gold.

"Wait that's your mother's spinning wheel ?" asked Carlos.

"Looks kind of tacky." stated Jay.

"Guys shut up, Mal." said Gold.

"Okay, um, Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." chanted Mal.

The guard remained as he was. Jay and Carlos laughed.

"Prick the finger, prick it deep, send my enemy off to sleep" said Mal.

It worked this time and the guard came and pricked his finger which caused him to fall asleep.

"Not so tacky now, huh boys ?" taunted Mal.

She went to the handle and budged it to find that it was locked.

"Stand back" said Jay as he went back to make himself ready for a kick.

Mal quickly chanted, "Make it easy, make it quick, open the door, without a kick."

The door open making Jay fall flat on his butt. Mal laughed and kicked his butt. Gold just smirked and punched Jay on his shoulder and Evie ruffled his hair after which Jay snapped at Carlos for helping him.

They went to the rooms in search of the magic wand. They came across a room for villains.

"Killer" said Jay.

"Mommy ?" said Evie.

"I'll never forget mother's day again.." said Carlos.

Gold couldn't find her mother's statue anywhere.

So she said, "Well, the wand's not here. Come on guys, let's bounce !"

The others followed suit except Mal. The other went to the other rooms when Gold noticed a door locked up. She took out a oin from her hair and unlocked the door. Let's say, she took up some lock opening tricks at the Isle.

She went inside to find her mother's statue. She froze. There were clippings of news plastered on the walls. There was a picture of a baby that looked exactly like her.

"Lost Princess Raven of Corona, kidnapped in the darkness of the night. Queen and King of Corona are devastated."

"Our beloved princess is missing. The villains are at fault. "

"The baby princess possessed some magical powers as claimed by her mother, Queen Rapunzel."

"Huh ?" exclaimed Gold as she saw her picture as a baby.

No, it can't be me..I am a villain kid..but that picture..it is so familiar..what am I thinking ?! Am I even considering royal blood ?! I am a VK and I am rotten to the core ! thought Gold.

She saw a picture of floating lanterns which she saw every year from her tower at the Isle. It was from the good side, but she couldn't help but stare at them, hoping she knew what was the reason behind this. And now she knew. Well, not exactly. But, oh well, let's go on with the story.

"The Queen and King of Corona send thousands of floating lanterns on the day of our beloved princess' birthday, hoping that someday, she might return."

Gold's head was kind of spinning. She didn't know what to think. She was going to leave the room when she saw a symbol of a sun.

She went towards it. It was so so familiar to her. But she couldn't put her finger on it. She was going to touch the symbol when Evie's voice from outside brought her back to reality. She locked the door and went outside.

Gold joined the others around the wand. Yes, they had found the wand. Jay smirked and proceeded towards it.

"Jay no !" exclaimed Mal.

Jay smiled and touched the wand only to set off an alarm.

All of the VKs ran out and out of the museum.

"Great Jay, for you we have school tomorrow." said Mal.

They all ran back to their dorms. Gold washed up and went to bed. She couldn't help but think of the things she saw today.

Lost Princess, that sign, floating lanterns..I can't even think properly..! Oh mother ! Sorry Mother Gothel. What is wrong with me ?! She is not even here and why am I still calling her Mother Gothel ? Well, I guess habits die hard..I hope I knew what was the secret if my life..thought Gold.

What she didn't know was that her wish was soon to be fulfilled.

Whoa guys ! 1040 words ! I am impressed ! Well, tell me how it was..can you guess what's up with Gold ? If you can then be sure to hit me up in the comment section..and love ya royalties..💞

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