Chapter 10 Once a Transtioner

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The mangata mansion was huge, and Naruto and Sakura nearly fell over trying to see it all. They had heard a few people call Kida, princess, but if they were honest, they hadn't  thought much of it. But looking at the home that seemed to go on and on for miles, and the surrounding buildings on the property, paired with the acres of fields and horses it was obvious. Kida was indeed the princess of the Mangata Clan.

    "Holy shit!" Naruto chuckled as Kida opened the double doors of the main entrance. "I think this is even bigger that the Uchiha Estate." Naruto had only seen the ruins of the Uchiha Estate once and it wasn't for very long. Sasuke was extremely protective over the property, though Sasuke himself hardly stayed there.

     Kida blushed ackwordly. "Well...I don't know..." Kida hated it when people gawked at her family lineage. She hadn't asked to be a princess.

     "Naruto!" Sakura scowlded. "You're making her uncomfortable."

     "I don't know how anyone could be uncomfortable in a place like this." Naruto gasped as he looked around as they entered. The main entrance lead to the ballroom. It had marble floors, and twin staircases that looked like they were made from glass. The stairs lead to a second balcony that lead to different rooms. The ceiling was high and was covered in different carvings with a large bright chandelier. Kida, shifted uncomfortably before heading toward the pair of white doors between the stairs.

     "The kitchen's this way." Kida pointed to her right down what seemed to be a servants hallway.

     "Yay food!!!" Naruto cheered as he ran down the hallway.

      "Wait Naruto!" Kida called but she was to late. One of the doors opened, smacking Naruto right in the face. Sasuke, Sakura, and Kida grimaced as Naruto landed on the floor.

    "Oh my!" A curly haired woman gasped. "Are you alright dear?"

     Naruto sat up and rubbed his head. "Ow." He groaned. "Yes mam."

     Kida ran over as Sasuke helped Naruto up. "Sorry Han'na. I forgot to warn him to watch for opening doors."

     Han'na simply chuckled lightly. "It's alright dear. Can I assist you with anything Princess?"

     Kida rapidly shook her head. "No that's alright I can manage just fine." She said as she tried to hustle the three down the hallway.


Finally the group, was able to get to the kitchen and start a pot of noodles in order to make Ramen. As one could expect, they were all extremely quiet, deep in thought from earlier's events.

It wasn't that they didn't want to talk, they just had no idea how. It was like their deepest darkest thoughts were blocking everything out.

Sakura watched the other three, she always hated this part. The part where she couldn't understand what her team was feeling. Sakura had never experienced trauma in her past. Sure she didn't have a perfect childhood, no one did, but she was missing the darkness that made moments like these harder. And right now watching Sasuke's, Kida's and Naruto's faces, she could tell they were all dwelling on that darkness.

"So," Sakura stated, trying to break her friends from their thoughts, "You really are a princess?"

Kida, who had been stirring the noodles at the time, abruptly dropped the spoon. "Uh... Ya." She admitted with a shrug. "Why? I mean it's not like I rule a kingdom or something...." She hopped up and sat on the counter, raising an eyebrow at the pink haired girl who sat at the bar stools along with the boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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