Chapter 6 The Girl Made of Glass

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Sasuke sat in Tazuna's living room with one of Kida's journals in hand. Hearing Kida's reason for being here, it had made Sasuke realize what kind of person Kida was. She was a person not that different from Naruto and Sakura. She sought to prove herself to her people, her family, even to herself. She wasn't some misguided enemy of the Ninja. She was a Cynefin, and she wasn't any different from them. So, when Kakashi went to go find the specialist, Sasuke decided he was going to read Kida's journals. Agree or disagree, Sasuke wanted to learn.

Being an Uchiha, Sasuke had never struggled to learn any technique, his single purpose was get stronger, and defeat his brother. That quest for knowledge and power ultimately lead him to rely on the Curse Mark. An ancient evil curse that provides power to its user at the cost of corrupting their soul. Originally, Sasuke didn't think twice about using it. Though Kakashi had sealed it, Sasuke sought to use Curse Mark to surpass his brother and take back his family name. Making that decision had nearly cost him everything, he became more distant, he tried to kill Naruto, and he had transformed into a monster. Sasuke vowed he'd never seek power again, that he would fine tune his skills and become the best ninja he could be, without developing power that could corrupt him. The fact was, Sasuke didn't trust himself with power, not anymore.

Then Kida showed up. A young girl that had knowledge Sasuke couldn't fathom. The knowledge to tame beasts and seal them away. That sort of power had been lost to the Ninja for over 18 years. It was a knowledge so old and ancient, that one could feel the power in their bones. Sasuke had felt it the moment Kida had placed the Shinto Seal on Naruto. It was an energy like no other.

And she had offered to teach it to him.

At first, when Sasuke read about how dark transitioning could get, he wanted nothing to do with it. Not because he thought Kida or the Cynefin were evil, but because he didn't think he could handle having power like that...a power where he held lives in his hand. But when Kida told them why she was there, Sasuke saw something in her not a lot of people had. Something that Naruto had. It was something that couldn't be put into one word but could be described as seeing the world not as it was, but as it could be.

For the first time in years, Sasuke wanted to learn. He wanted to be able to see the best in the world despite the pain in his past. Just like Naruto did, like Kida did. So he was going to learn what he could about the Cynefin, perhaps learn how to quell his own darkness when learning to help others with theirs. He'd have to trust that should he begin to slip, his team would be there to hold him.

Sasuke opened the journal and began reading.


Dear Journal, today Hikari applied to become the Four Tailed Beast's Jinjuriki. However, my grandfather was quick to turn him down. Grandfather said that although Hikari is a talented warrior, his short temper would get him possessed faster than anything. Hikari didn't take it well, he ended up storming out in a rage. Though I agree with grandfather's decision I can't help but feel sorry for Hikari. He has worked so hard and wanted this for so long. Perhaps he can find another use for his skills. He was so angry, it was scary, there was a darkness in him I had never seen before. Although I'd never tell Hikari this, I think Iroh and Grandpa made the correct call. I may be new at this but I know you can't have that much inner darkness and be a Jinjuriki, there won't be enough light to keep you sane.

I never found out why Hikari got so angry. But he seemed to calm down the more we talked, and he told me Aunt Suiren said that I look like my dad. I finally have my first clue of who he could be. Unfortunately there is probably hundreds of leaf ninja with my hair color.

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