Chapter 4 Trust is a Fickle Thing

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    It was late, Sasuke and Kida had stayed up pouring over books to find something to help Naruto. However, though many Ninja and Cynefin books were studied and compared, Sasuke and Kida had not been able to find a solution to Naruto's Chakra Natures and the Nine Tailed Beast. As the darkness slowly began to lighten, signaling the coming morning, Sasuke closed yet another book. Making some hands signs and unrolling a chakra scroll, the book disappeared in a cloud of smoke, and the title of the book re-appeared in black ink on the scroll.

Sighing, Sasuke rubbed his temples in discouragement. It was so frustrating! Naruto was his best friend and yet Sasuke was helpless to do anything to help him. Now he was forced to rely on some girl he didn't know, in order to have a chance at saving Naruto.

Sasuke stood from the chair and stretched his arms over his head. "We should probably call it a night." He said to the girl across the room. When he didn't hear an answer, he looked over to see the blue haired Mangata girl, curled up on the mint green loveseat fast asleep.

Sasuke was about to wake the girl, when a leather bound journal sitting on the table between the two pieces of furniture caught his eye. Kida's Journals?

"These books are my real experiences trying to transition people that I considered close friends, and they aren't pretty."

Sasuke picked up the journal hesitantly and sat heavily back down on the chair, and opened the journal to the first page.


     Dear Journal , today I am allowed to watch the six tailed beast be sealed into Yin. I'm not able to participate in the transitioning because I am still a student. My Sensei said that today's sealing was an emergency because Master Hakodah died in combat.

When a Jinjuriki dies the Tailed Beast is released into the world, but not all tailed beasts are evil, in fact the Six Tails and Master Hakodah had a great bonde....that's the emergency. Apparently the Six Tails has rejected everyone who has volunteered to be it's new Jinjuriki  and the rejections have been increasingly more violent. See normally with this kind of thing, the Sarete would would find someone the deceased Jinjuriki was related to, that way the Tailed Beast would feel connected to it's host. But that's only with Tailed Beasts who aren't far the Six Tails is the only one. Yin is a close friend, he used to come and visit me in the hospital a lot. I'm scared he's going to die too, or worse be driven to insanity like Hikari.

    Dear Journal, the sealing didn't go well... Sensei and I went to the Sarete to help Yin transition. The moment we walked through the doors all I could hear was screaming. The sealers said the Six Tails wasn't calming down and Sensei rushed towards the sealing room, telling me to stay put. Of course, I didn't listen and I followed. The screaming got louder the closer I got. By the time I got to the sealing room Sensei  had been thrown across the room and was unconscious. The room was unusually dark, and objects kept disappearing and reappearing . Shadows danced on the walls and the lights kept flickering on and off, but even when they were on, the room was still dark. I assumed it had something to do with the Six Tail's Shadow Chakra being out of control.  Yin was in the center of the room screaming as if he were being murdered. In between bouts of screaming he would murmur incoherent things and begin to pace, before stopping, clenching his head and screaming again.

   Yin was always such a gentle person but when he looked up, his eyes weren't his. They were ink black, no white, no pupils. They looked like demon eyes.  I was about to go get help when Yin looked straight at me and covered his ears.

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