Chapter 8 Of Mother's and Father's

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When the Ninja had entered the Eclipse Village chaos had ensued. It seemed like everyone knew who Kida was, sort of.

"Is that the Princess?" Someone had shouted. Followed by many "Oh nos" and "Quickly this ways!"

Somehow they ended up at what seemed to be a hospital, and the doctors and surgeons had immediately begun working.

"Kida, Kida stay with me!" A Surgeon yelled as they raced the gurney through the emergency room. Kida lay seizing as the doctors tried to hold her down. Although she had blacked out hours ago, her screams pierced through the hospital alerting doctors and nurses to the emergency room. Her white hair and tan skin were covered in sweat, and the symbols on her left hand were beginning to travel up her lower arm as they glowed and shifted.

"No light reaction!" A surgical nurse told the surgeon as she flashed a pen light into Kida's unresponsive eyes.

"Get her to the O.R now!" The surgeon demanded. "Someone contact Pyrah Paieskos, we may need a sealer in case this goes south!" He looked down at the shaking girl who was slipping away with each moment. "What were you thinking you stupid girl?" The dark haired surgeon shook his head and took a deep breath. He had to keep his emotions in check. Being a doctor he couldn't show it but he knew that they were going to lose this bright young girl. Doctor Yao had been Kida's doctor her entire life. He had seen Kida cry, he had seen Kida fight, and he was about to watch her die, the pain was almost more than he could bare.

    "Sir you can't go back there!" A Nurse quickly held Naruto back as the surgeons ran Kida through a pair of double doors.

    Surprisingly Naruto didn't fight the woman. He just stood frozen like the others. Everything happened so quickly and it was now beginning to sink in.

Kida had contradictory chakra natures, Kida sealed the Water Chakra based, Three Tailed Beast inside herself. The Three Tails chakra pushed Kida's water chakra over the edge, making her chakra natures begin to fight each other. Kida was going to die. Kida saved them, knowing doing so would kill her.

Naruto held his arm over his eyes as tears began to fall like a raging river as those realizations hit him like a brick.

The nurse frowned sadly as her determined eyes softened. "Let me direct you to the waiting room, I'll bring you news when I have some ok?" She said kindley.

    "We can't just leave her." Sakura choked, refusing to move. "She saved us."

     "You did all you could Sakura, we have to let them do their jobs." Kakashi spoke, as he guided his students to the waiting room, though he seemed to be on auto pilot as he thought over the events that had transpired.

The ninja team only nodded.

    As they went to wait, Kakashi could barely hear the nurse whisper to another, "You better call her mother, she doesn't have much time."


The hospital waiting room was a place that smelled like bleach and anxiety. Sasuke sat on one of the cold, leather couches, his knee bounced up and down in a tremor as he tried to think, but all he saw was Kida screaming as the Beast's Chakra entered her body. How he had been to far away to stop her, or to help he had failed.

Sasuke broke from his thoughts as two young men raced into the waiting room and to the receptionist desk. One had dark black hair and wore a gray sweatshirt and blue jeans. The other had bleach blonde hair, glasses, and wore a pale green button up shirt. They both looked panicked at the receptionist desk.

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