Chapter 9 Past Sins and New Beginnings

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"We can't do this."

"We don't have a choice."

"Their dangerous!"

"I trusted you!"

"Aysel help me!"

"I'm sorry. I tried."


Kida...Kida. You're going to be alright now. Wake up.

    Everything hurt.

That was Kida's first sign that she wasn't dead. Her arms felt like they were on fire and she felt like a weight was crushing her chest as she struggled to breath. She couldn't open her eyes, she couldn't move. The only sign she had that she was conscious was the intense pain all over her body, and the sound of a heart monitor beeping slowly.

All Kida wanted, was to just to pass out again. She wanted to drift off into the darkness. She wanted the pain to stop. She felt her consciousness begin to fade once more until something grabbed her attention.

    Kida, wake up. You have to wake up now...

A smooth voice of a gentle woman echoed in Kida's head like the sound of waves gently hitting the shore.

Come on now. WAKE UP!

    Kida's eyes snapped open as she took a deep breath. She didn't have to wonder where she was. She had lived in this hospital for most of her childhood. The same fading green curtains hung over the widow against the hideous flowered wallpaper, the machines hummed as they monitored her, and the sound of dishes clattering in the cafeteria could barely be heard through the door. Yep, this was her hospital room. Panic sliced through Kida's chest as she realized she hadn't died.

    Kida looked to her right and saw her teacher, Iroh sleeping in one of the chairs. The chair next to him was empty, but her mother's sweater was on it along with her purse. Kida figured she had gone to get food. "I...I." Kida tried to get Iroh's attention but her throat burned each time she tried to speak. She took a deep, shaky breath and tried to swallow what little saliva was in her mouth. "Iroh." She finally got out. Though her voice was barely a croak above a whisper, Iroh awoke with a start.

A smile quickly formed on his bearded lips. "Oh thank the ancients you're awake." He said as he hugged Kida tightly.

"" Kida began coughing as she tried to talk. Tears sprang in her eyes as her throat continued to burn to the point it felt like it was bleeding.

    "Sh sh sh." Iroh hushed. "Don't try to talk. Your mother went to get some food and check on the extended family in the waiting room. She'll be back  in a minute." Iroh reached over to the table by the bed and grabbed a cup of water with an orange straw. He held it while Kida took a drink to try and clear her throat.

     "What about the team?" Kida asked as soon as she felt her throat settle. "Please tell me they're ok.  She had Sakura, I'm not sure where Sasuke was!...." As the events from the mission came flooding back Kida felt increased panic, not knowing what had happened to the others.

     Iroh quickly grabbed Kida's hands in his own, patting them softly. "They're ok, they're ok!" Iroh assured quickly, trying to calm Kida. "Now I need you to take a deep breath, and calm down alright." Iroh glanced at the cup of water that was sitting on the table, it was completely frozen. Being the previous head Transitioner, Iroh quickly realized that the Tailed Beast had already connected it's chakra with Kida's emotions. But he felt it was best to not point that out to Kida at the moment.

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