Chapter 1 Who is She?

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Hi everyone, before we begin I want to say that this fan fiction is close to my heart because it's been rewritten 4 times lost and changed and has been part of my life since 8th grade.
Also I am only releasing the first chapter as a test. Depending on responses I will release the second and so on until I complete Fearless.

Anyway please enjoy the Naruto Fanfiction I worked very hard on.

    "I don't understand why we have to do this." Naruto complained as he shoved the tongs of his pitchfork into the mound of manure that was piled in the corner of a horse stall. "We aren't little kids anymore!" He sighed and leaned against the rail post.

    "We are doing this..." Sakura snapped as she through the towel she had been using to wax a saddle at the blonde. "...because you had to open your big mouth to Lady Tsunade!" Sakura shouted in irritation. "I could be studying medicine, practicing chakra control, hell I could be on a date!"

     "Oh go easy on him Sakura." A raven haired young man groaned as he led a 16 hand Appaloosa into the barn. "It's not his fault he's a idiot."

    "Shut up Sasuke." Growled Naruto.

    "Whatever loser." Sasuke rolled his eyes and closed the stall door, locking the horse inside. He wrapped the purple lead line around his hand and sighed. "We haven't done D level missions since we were Team Seven... I must admit it is nice not having to watch our backs every ten seconds."

    "Sure, but this is kind of degrading. I mean Naruto's the one that wouldn't shut up." Sakura wined as she grabbed a halter and handed it to Sasuke. "I'd rather just have a day off."

    "It wasn't my fault she called me a child!!" Naruto shouted, attempting to defend himself. Naruto always had a big mouth when it came to lady Tsunade, he wouldn't deny that, but the grandma also had a large mouth when it came to him. Naruto didn't know why it was ok for the old lady to criticize him but not for him to say anything against her. If you asked him, he thought it was sexist.

    "And you called her old!" Sakura spat coming to the aid of her mentor.

    "And you brought up how she had wrinkles and how her hair was beginning to grey.." Sasuke added.

    "But the worst possible thing.." Sakura huffed, turning a few shades of red and having to take a deep breath trying to calm her inner evil.

    "You brought up how she married a pervert." Sasuke finished with a grimace.

    "Well it's true." Naruto pouted, crossing his arms like a toddler who was scolded. "I mean she married Jiraiya  the purvey sage." Naruto rolled his eyes, Naruto wasn't an idiot, even he knew the old man was cheating on Tsunade, he only chose to point it out.

    "Why do I hear gossiping and not working?" The masked Sensei himself asked as he entered the barn as well.

    "YOU'RE LATE!" All three of Kakashi's old students shouted in anger. Kakashi merely smiled under his black mask. He wasn't actually late that day, in fact he had arrived well before his former students and had been sitting on the roof for the last hour. It warmed the older man's heart to hear the three arguing like in their junior high days. Kakashi had always felt they had all grown up to fast after the chunin exams.

    After the Chunin exams Sakura had left the ninja for a year to try to figure out who she was. Being helpless when Naruto and Sasuke needed her, had scared her in ways Kakashi never fully understood. Although she became as strong as any fighter, Sakura found her calling in a Medical Jutsu and studied for years under lady Tsunade. When Sakura returned she was a mature, strong women. No longer a hormonal teenage girl who was the leader of the Sasuke fan club (Much to Sasuke's relief.)

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