Chapter 7 Breaking Glass

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Hey guys long time no see. I'm new to fight scenes so this chapter took forever and admittedly is not great. However it is 6223 words so I do hope you enjoy it.     

The trip up the mountain was pretty painless for the shinobi. However, had a normal person stepped foot onto the mountain, they would not had been able to move strictly from the sheer amount of chakra pressure coming from up the mountain. The team was mostly silent, deep in thought as they hiked up the mountain.

    Kida let the ninja team drift in front of her. Once she was behind them, Kida pushed up her sleeve and looked at her chakra tracker, and sighed. The yellow side was only half filled, where as the blue was completely filled. No wonder she had had a headache all day, and she was having trouble breathing. Her water chakra was out of control, making her body think it was drowning. She could only assume it was because she had been holding her hair transformation Jutsu for 72 hours. Now for normal shinobi holding a simple transformation jutsu for 72 hours was child's play. However, Kida didn't have a chakra network that could do that. She could only hope sealing this Tailed Beast would go as smoothly as possible.

    "Kida, you alright?"

     Kida looked up and met eyes with Sasuke, who had turned to look back at her. Kida forced a laugh. "Of course."

    Despite her chipper tone Kakashi frowned deeply hearing the conversation, she was hiding something. He knew it. However, he didn't think whatever she was hiding was malicious, Kida wasn't that type of person. With that in mind, Kakashi couldn't figure out what Kida had to hide, she seemed like an honest person. He had to remember that.

    "Is there something wrong with your chakra?" Sasuke continued. "I noticed the tracker yesterday."

    Kida shrugged as she grabbed her arm self consciously. "No, not really." She answered slowly. She didn't want to lie to this ninja team. They had finally begun to trust each other, and despite whatever arguments she and Sasuke had earlier, she felt like he'd understand. That being said, the truth about her chakra was something she had been ashamed of for a long time. was too dangerous to tell someone she hardly knew. "I have a low chakra so that's why I have a tracker. I was simply checking." She answered.

    Sasuke nodded and fell back into silence before Sasuke asked. "How did you do that seal with Naruto yesterday?" He asked.

    Kida glanced at Sasuke confused. Due to what Sasuke said during their argument, Kida didn't think Sasuke was going to continue to try to learn transitioning techniques to help Naruto. "Why?" Kida asked instead of answering.

    Sasuke took a deep breath. "Well.... I read some more of your journal." He admitted. "And I know you don't think sealing beasts inside people should be the first solution....but, after seeing what could happen to Naruto, I.... I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if that were to happen and I could had stopped it." Sasuke rambled, hoping he made sense.

      Kida continued to just stare at Sasuke.

     "Look I'm sorry for exploding on you." Sasuke huffed. "It's a lot to swallow."

     Kida smiled softly. "You have to watch the eyes." She said.


     "When tailed beasts take over the jinjuriki body, the body's eyes will change color. Yin's turn black, Nina's turn green, and it looks like Naruto's turn red. You can't change a seal until you see the eyes turn back, even if just for a moment. If you attach the seal while the beast is in control you'll just end up attacking the human's consciousness."

     "And that's what transitioners do?" Sasuke asked, this was all so confusing.

    "A transitioners job is to help the human regain control. I find it helps to bring up something they love or are connected to. Sealers are the ones who watch the eyes and the second they turn, attach a seal. Of course I've been trying to help them regain control without seals. Not everyone wants tattoos all over their bodies you know?" She giggled. "That's why I tough if you learned the basics, you could help Naruto. You guys seem close."

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