Chapter 6: Taken

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.... continued



Adam’s POV

          The loud crash awoke me from my dream. I jolted awake and looked around. Jackson was hidden in the shadows.

          “She’s up there!” He cried. “We need to help her!”


          “Come on!” He yelled and ran back down. “Take this.” He handed me the rifle.

          We got up and headed toward the crash. The night was peaceful, but in a couple of hours, the sun would rise. “What time is it?” I asked, Jackson.


          We spotted Alex’s car, but Walkers surrounded it.  I check the bullets in the gun and then closed it. Jackson put bullets in my pocket. I loaded the gun, and shot it at the Walker’s head. He fell to the ground. Then the Walkers focused in on us. Immediately, I shot at all of them. When the coast was clear, we headed off. Glass crunched underneath my feet. I knelt by the passenger-side window. Alex was crying.

          “Alex, are you okay?” I asked, gently touching her shoulder.

          “Adam, oh my . . .” She trailed off. “I can’t move, my legs are stuck underneath the steering wheel.”

          Jackson knelt down next to me. Alexa cried in pain. Blood dripped down her face. Footsteps approached from behind. I got up swiftly, and pointed the gun at the person. Alexa cried in horror.

          “Well,” The person said, “looks like your boyfriend is helping you.”

          “Madeline,” I whispered.

          “Please,” She whispered. “My real name is, Quinn.”

          I looked at her in shock. Jackson pushed in front of me.

          “You hurt her! You fucking bitch!” He yelled, tears streaming down his face.

          “Jackson!” I yelled.

          Alexa cried in pain. I bashed the gun to her head, and Quinn collapsed. Jackson bent down to see his sister.

          “Alex, I’m going to you out of here, okay?” I whispered gently.

          “No, you can’t. I’m stuck.”

          I sighed. The sound of more crunching glass approached behind us. Jackson was kicked up against the car, getting knocked unconscious.

          “Jackson!” Alexa cried.

          “Who -?” I felt myself being picked up.

          Someone was crushing my lungs. It was a guy, depending on his facial features. I kicked him in the stomach and he staggered backwards. When I fell, my knee skidded across the ground. I tried to reach the rifle, when the person grabbed me by my leg. He dragged me across the ground, and kicked me down a hill. My back collided with a tree, causing to hear a loud crack! I cried in pain. The guy picked me up again when he threw me into the car. Alexa cried when she saw me. There was a sudden shooting noise, which blasted through the air. The guy’s eyes went wide, and then he was down for the count. I gasped in pain.

          Jackson smiled at me. “You’re welcome,” He whispered, still dizzy.

          I went around the side to get, Alexa. I gently grabbed her legs, and pulled them from underneath the steering wheel. She cried in pain. I got her out without hurting her more.

          “Can you walk?” I asked her.

          “Yeah,” She replied, grabbing my shoulder so she wouldn’t lose her balance.

          When she was ready, we walked back to the fire. I saw that Alexa’s parents were missing. “Mom,” She called, “Dad?”

          Dear Lord, help us.

Alexa’s POV

          I turned back to, Jackson.

          “Hey, I need you to do me a big favor.”

          “Go ahead,” He replied, crossing his arms.

          “I need you to stay here. If you hear people, do not follow them. Adam and I are going to find Mom and Dad, okay? Can you do that?”

          “Yeah, why wouldn’t you trust me?”

          I narrowed my eyes. “Remember what I said.”

          Adam and I left. I looked at him over my shoulder, saying my last goodbye. We headed off, me slowly moving. The hole in my leg hurt, but finding my parents was more important. I grabbed a flash light from my pocket, and shone it on the ground. My leg was bleeding, but none of that mattered. “Mom,” I called again, “Dad!”

          There was silence. Adam suddenly stopped. A piercing scream filled the air. It sounded like my mother. “Oh god,” I heard her scream. “Help me, someone!”

          The voice faded. All was silent.

          “Did you just hear that?” I asked, confused.

          “Yeah,” Adam looked at me.

          I then heard another scream, coming from far back behind us. This time . . . it was real.

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