Ch 16 Finale

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Rose rushed into the hospital. The phone call she received was about Henry being taken to the hospital. Rose found a crowd moving fast in the emergency room. She was able to see a bit of Henry's body being carried away to a bed. Emma was right behind them.

"Emma! What happened? What's going on?" Rose hurriedly asked her. She watched the nurses trying to get him to breathe.

"I-I don't know. That's what I'm trying to figure out. He ate this-" Emma pulled out a plastic bag with a piece of apple pie. "And- And he just collapsed. The doctor says that it's not poisoned. But it has to be!" Emma was panicking more and more while she grabbed Henry's bag and went through it. Everything fell on the table. She was trying to see if he had something else there that he ate that could have caused this.

"No, no, no! There has to be something. What's causing this?" Rose demanded to know from the doctor Whale. But he too was also clueless of what is killing the young boy.

"Right now, there is no explanation we can give yet. It's like it-"

"Magic" Emma muttered out before the doctor could. Rose looked at Henry again. She hated the scene she saw. Watching the doctors and nurses trying to pump his chest to keep him alive.

She was startled at the sound of screaming and crashing noises. She turned around and found Emma throwing her aunt Regina into a closet. Her face painted with hatred for the mayor.

What's going on?


Emma and Regina both went to Gold's shop to get some help from him in order to save Henry's life. Emma was finally able to believe after holding her son's book in her hand when the doctor said it was like magic.

Regina revealed the truth to her after Emma accused her of poisoning the pie. Now the two teamed up and needed an expert on magic in a world without it. That would be Mr. Gold, who is really Rumpelstiltskin.

Gold explained clearly to Emma why she, and only she could break the curse. She is the product of true love. Plus, he saved some of the potion of true love for a rainy day. The problem was on how to get it.

"Enough with the riddles. What do we need to do?" Regina interrupted him. Wanting to get to the point so she could save her son.

"You will do nothing. It has to be Ms. Swan. And only her." He said again.

"He's my son! It should be me!" Regina argued. She felt the right to do it after taking care of the boy for 10 years.

"All due respect, but he is her son." He pointed at Emma. "It has to be her. She is the product of magic. Only she can be the one to do it."

"I can do it." Emma was confident she could do anything. Anything for her son.

"Don't trust him."

"What choice do we have?"

"That's right, dearie. What choice do you have?" Rumple was getting annoyed by Regina trying to butt in.

" I can make sure you never see Rose ever again!" The Queen threatened. Rumple was angry and both he and Emma were getting annoyed by her.

"You're seriously doing this now? We need his help and you're using his own daughter against him? How did you even end up with her in the first place?"

"Let's just say, Ms. Swan, that her majesty managed to trick me and took my daughter. Quick reminder," He directed his gaze at Regina. Glaring at her. "I don't let anyone get away so easily." Now that was a threat. Just a little longer and he will soon have his revenge.

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