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 Rosemary, as usual, woke up early to take her morning ride on her bike through town before going to school. During her ride, she passed by a shop. Where an older man with a nice suit and tie was watching her. He had a look of sadness all over his face.

"Rosemary..." He muttered to himself.

After Regina's visit with Emma at the Inn, she steps outside and notices a teenage boy in the same high school uniform as Rose. Perhaps another distraction is that Rose needs to spend less time with Henry.

Norman was taking out the trash bags when he noticed Madame Mayor walking up to him with a creepy smile.

"Mr. Hawkins, I presume." She says. He nodded, but was confused why she would want to talk to him.

"Uh, yes. Do you need anything?" He asked.

"Actually, yes. Do you happen to know my niece, Rose Mills?"

"We have a few classes together. She's a top student."

"Perfect. I have noticed that you're in need of help with your grades." Norman looked at the woman in shock. How did she know?

"How did-"

"You should ask her for help. She tutors." Regina says before she leaves. Leaving him confused by what just happened.


Henry walks with Emma by his side as they walk to school. He's explaining to her about his operation code plan and that he, Emma, and Rose are the only members.

"Wait. Rose is in on this too?" Emma asked.

"Duh! She's the one who helped me come up with this idea. Plus, she totally believes in me." he explains.

"Sure, let's go with that. So everyone here is a fairy tale character, they just don't know it."

"That's the curse. Time has been frozen, until you got here."

"OK. What about their past?"

"They don't know. It's a haze to them. For example, Rose has been with the evil queen for as long as she can remember. She has no idea who her family is. No documents, nothing from her past life. It's like the evil queen doesn't want her to remember."

Rose volunteered to help get the elementary kids in school. But she heard Henry's voice, since he was being so loud.

"I knew you'd believe in me!" He shouted to Emma as he headed to the school grounds.

"I never said I did!" Emma said back to him.

"Why else would you be here?" The young boy left her and entered the school building. Rose, who witnessed the whole thing, was happy and surprised to see Emma.

"It's nice to see that someone else besides me can make him smile like that." Rose said to Emma.

"I didn't do anything." Emma said sheepishly.

"You stayed." Emma laughed at that.

"He keeps on going on and on about that fairy tale book." Emma mentioned.

"I know. I made things worse with that book. Now he thinks that aunt Regina is the evil queen."

"Who does he think you are?" Emma felt she needed to ask. Especially since Henry never said it. She was curious to know who Rose reminded him of.

"I don't know. He hasn't figured that part out yet."

"I got to hand it to you, though. You are one strong girl. Facing Regina most of your life" Rose shrugs her shoulders.

Rosemary Book: 1 (once upon a time)Where stories live. Discover now