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Rosemary had been working for Mr. Gold for two weeks now and loves it. It's a nice break from being surrounded by... well Sydney Glass. She was part of the school paper. But having him as her mentor, it was annoying. But surprisingly, Mr. Gold wasn't a 'bad wolf' or a 'snake' that people claimed he would be. She learned pretty fast how a business society worked because of him and understood better why he has certain contracts. A deal is a deal, with no way out.

She quickly rode her bike to Mr. Gold's after school. Nothing, not even her tank will slow her down. Norman, however, practically ran after her when he got out of the school building and saw her go. But he soon realized that it was too late to catch up once she was blocks away and made a turn. He was breathing in and out desperately. She might not be able to run, but she can sure pedal.

He wanted to thank her for her tutor lessons. He was able to participate in class and pass a quiz. Perhaps another time.

As for Rose, after she put her bike away, she ran to Gold's shop. She went behind the front desk and started working on filing.

"I'm coming." Mr. Gold said from the back. Rose smiled to herself. Happy that her boss wasn't expecting so soon. Once he came, he was indeed surprised to see her (but secretly glad).

"Well! Hello Ms Mills." He greeted.

"Ms. Mills? I've told you so many times that you can call me Rose." She reminded him.

"But then you would have to call me by my name. And I'm not comfortable with that. So it wouldn't be fair." He said back. Especially because 'Rumpelstiltskin' isn't a normal name in this realm.

"You're my boss. You can tell me what I can or can't do." She reminded him. He took a moment to think about that. She did have a point. It was moments like this that brought him back to those memories of him and his daughter, Rosemary. Besides 'Rose' was her nick-name, it would be a way of comfort for him.

"Well then, Rose, I have to do some errands soon." He said.

"You mean collecting debt and rent?" She corrected him with a smirk. Nothing gets past her.

"You know me so well. Yes, that. Therefore, you may leave once I make my absence."

"No, it's fine. I don't mind staying and closing up shop tonight."

He grew worried. Having her work away from him and until late. Some things don't change.

"Are you sure, Rose? Being alone here without my supervision? What would Madame Mayor say?" He asked. Hoping to reason with her, before ordering her.

"I'm 100% percent certain, Mr. Gold. It's not my first time working by myself. And as for my aunt, I can handle it." She was confident. He could order her to go home, but he won't. Because it's Rosemary. So he nods, giving up on stopping her.

"Call if you're in need of assistance." He says and heads for the door.

"I will!" She responds. But once he was out and the door closed, she smiled to herself.



After making a deal with a maid, Rumple returns to his castle. The dining room was full of furniture, and his collection of magical items, but something was missing since it was too quiet. Way to quiet for his liking. He headed for the stairs up to the east wing. Opened a set of double doors to find who he was looking for. His daughter, Rosemary, is reading.

"I have something that will distract you from your books." He says to catch her attention. It did, for she looked up to him from her book.

"Really? What is it?" She asks with hopeful eyes. He pulls out a wand from his coat.

Rosemary Book: 1 (once upon a time)Where stories live. Discover now