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Regina woke up from a nightmare. The whole town, including Rose and Henry, tied her up to get revenge. They watched her get killed by a sword from Emma.

The dream felt real, and more real after she checked on her apple tree and noticed her apples were turning rotten all of a sudden. If they were rotting, it meant only one thing. The curse was breaking.

Rose skipped school. She didn't care anymore. She wanted answers and time to cool off.

His anger towards her aunt grew after hearing some rumors that she framed Mary Margret for Katheryn's kidnapping. And after witnessing her making moves on David Nolan, Mary Margetts ex lover, it made her think Regina wants people to suffer.

And anger grew more after what Norman did. First, he was acting out of character. Well... she's been acting differently than normal, but his actions were more confusing. He hasn't even mentioned one word about the folder he took. Did it have information on her or not? She was getting the impression he didn't want her to know anything.

"Rose!" Speak of the devil. But she didn't stop her walk. She picked up her pace and kept a straight face.

"Yes, Norman?" She asked. He could tell she wasn't hiding her annoyed tone.

"You weren't at school today. Are you okay?"

"How about you answer my question, what did you find in Gold's shop?"

"What? I-I told you I-"

"You didn't say anything to me, Norman! Nothing! Every time I would ask, you change the subject. Like yesterday, when you made that date-" She stopped herself when it hit her. It all made sense. She looked back at the boy who was certainly nervous on what to do or say. "Were you trying to distract me from it?"

He looked down at his feet and stayed quiet.

"You did find something." He nodded, still not looking up.

"What did you find out? What is Gold hiding?" She desperately asked. She needed answers. She didn't care if it was good or bad.

"Look, just stop looking for that man. Don't talk to him anymore. He's bad news." He finally spoke and looked at her. He regretted it. Her face was clear and she was disappointed. It made him feel worse knowing he caused this. But he only did it because he wanted to look out for her. He cares for her.

"Why would you say that?" She saw nothing wrong with the pawnshop owner. He has his faults with other's, but not with her.

"Rose, he just is. Take my word. He is not someone you can trust." She shook her head, ignoring his words about Gold.

"After yesterday, I don't think I could trust you. What happened, Norman? You used to be the one trying to convince me to be social and to do stuff outside of the house. Now that I am doing that, have you changed your mind? Why?" She asked him. Tired of his odd behavior. But he didn't respond to her. He refused to speak, just looked at her in silence.

There was no time for her to speak up again. Her phone was ringing. She looked at it and recognized the number.

It was the hospital.

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