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Norman had just finished his shift at Granny's and started walking out to go back to the orphanage. He didn't mind living there, he just wished he had a real home to go back to.

A man on a motorcycle showed up and removed his helmet.

"Hey, kid." He said to Norman.

"Uh.. Hey. I'm Norman. Norman Hawkins. Can I help you?" Norman asked the man. The stranger was taking a moment to register the boy's name.

"Hawkins, huh?" Aren't you a little young to be out at this hour?"

"Aren't you a little nosy for a stranger?" Norman countered. The man laughed.

"August Booth is my name. Do you know where the Inn is?"

"Are you staying?"

That's the plan." August says as he prepares to drive off again.

"For what?"

"Inspiration for writing. I sure would like to know what your story is." August said and rode off. Norman kept on staring, until he couldn't see him anymore.

"I'd like to know too."


Young Jim Hawkins was riding his wooden board through the woods. The boy was actually being chased by the Duke's men. The reason, He was trespassing through the lord's woods.

He threw some bags of mine dust to blind the soldiers from chasing him. After making some turns, he believed he lost them. That is until a soldier with a horse popped out in front of him and another behind him.

"Great." He muttered to himself.

The Ogre wars had only started recently, but the number of men was decreasing. Every business did their part for the war. Sarah Hawkins, did her part of raising as much money as she could to give to the troops.

The soldiers barged into the Inn with Jim in their tight grips.

"Mrs. Hawkins, your grandson seems to love trouble. Much like his father." The leader said to the older woman.

"Hey! My father was a captain!" Jim argued, as the guards continued holding him back.

"Then you should know better than to act like scum. Some legacy you are. And as for your father, he was a phony."

"My father found treasure and saved lives-'' Jim's words were cut off when a soldier had hit him in the face with his fist. It hurt more with the armor on. Jim knew he would have a bruise on his left cheek.

"Your father was a selfish man. He only brought enough treasure for himself. He didn't care about the rest of us. We wouldn't be here suffering at the expense of it wasn't for your father and that Pirate!" Jim butted to glare at the soldier. According to his father's story, the reason why he couldn't bring more gold was because the island was going to be destroyed by a volcano. He remembered his father mentioning about a pirate he was working with. But they had a truce after the adventure.

" The ogre wars are getting more difficult to handle. More of our men are dying. We need more volunteers for the field. Your grandson would make a fine soldier. He's got a temper already." He soldier had said with a smug look.

" No, please! I understand, but c-could we just think this through? He is only 15. There hasn't been any law about young ones joining the war yet!" Sarah Hawkins upend. She had lost her son from the seas and daughter in law from childbirth, she wasn't going to lose her grandson, the only reminder of the two, from war.

"Then let me announce this crystal clear to you. If I catch your grandson violating anything, I will have the right to place him in the army for his crimes." The older man decided and made his exit, along with his men.

Rosemary Book: 1 (once upon a time)Where stories live. Discover now