Chapter 1

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Grace's POV

Ugh. Another day, without Calum

It's been one year and that's far to long for him to be gone. The fact that he's actually not gone completely makes me mad. Because I could go get him and be happy, but Something stops me every time I think about getting a flight and leaving forever. I need Calum in my life, he was my best friend and now I have no one. We told each other everything, our darkest secrets, about our past, embarrassing stories, if one of us had had a bad date. Everything! I remember the day he left me, I didn't actually believe it, I figured:

Oh, he's just going out of town I'll see him next week at school again :)

But no, that Monday he didn't come to school, we didn't have our normal Friday movie nights. I lost him completely, we stopped texting, Skyping and calling. All contact! I never heard from Mr. Calum hood again, and I'm lost with out that beautiful brown haired boy.

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