Flirting Hacks On

862 17 21

Your pov.

After you finally picked them up and get them to the bridge, you put them down and rest. The bridge already repaired itself. When you guys landed, Leafa immediately drew her sword and placed it right near Howard's neck.

"No.... NO!!!!!!" Howard screamed like a baby. This made Leafa slightly pushing the blade into his neck and almost killing him.

Leafa looked at him, "Tell me everything you know-"

"Hold on Leafa." You appeared behind her and said, "Don't force him, we should talk to him nicely...." You then looked at Howard, who is sitting on the ground with fear.

"So.... You know something?" You asked Howard, the cocky bastard. You can see fear in his eyes as Kirito and Leafa surrounded him preventing him to run away.

"I know nothing!!! Kill me if you want!!!!!" He shouted out loud.

You walked close to him and did an asian squat, so that you can see his face at the same height. Your eyes glew blue brightly and you stared at him.

"...... YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO TRY A LITTLE HARDER THAN THAT KILLING ME." You became back the nice and funny guy you always are (you think) and smiled nicely to him. Somehow, he seemed more scared than falling down the bridge and go into the void.

"Y-you are smart.... Knowing that you can't defeat us head on, so you chose to send us down the cold void and feed Jermungand......You even sacrificed yourself...." Howard seems so confused and alert looking at you at the same time, he kept panting over and over.

Leafa almost unsheathed her sword and trying to chop this guy again, at this moment you glanced at her and she stopped unsheathing her sword and stood aside.

"Take it easy~~I won't kill you. Just one thing, tell me who ordered you to hunt us~~"

You asked him, still smiling, "I have to say this game is weird.... I felt so much pain in the battle than usual and suffered heavy wounds. Well done fellas, dealing some damage to me. But honestly, if Leafa isn't here, I would have won in a flash~~" Then you beamed at him.

"....." Howard must be too scared to talk.

You then closed your eyes and faced him, "Come on~~I won't eat you alive~~"

"And I will give you the items I get in this fight as long as you say something buddy."

Well, you didn't say that.

KIRITO said that.

".... Say what?" You asked him.

"..... Seriously?" Howard asked in confusion.

"Seriously." Kirito giggled and wrapped his arms on Howard's shoulders, as if they're some kind of besties sharing some dirty secrets behind you.

Howard then began talking, "So..... Today G-Takusu told me to meet him here, he said they're going on a raid to hunt you three, one of them is called.... Uh.... (p/n)*points to you*, aka Magician,*whispers* god this name is stupid."

"WHAT." You said, looking straight into his eyes.

"......" His eyes swifted and he sweated all over his body, "N-nothing..... Just that seems like someone higher up in salamanders are like..... Uh.... Planning something big..... And they said that you're getting in their way."

"You know anything about that?" You asked him.

"Hell no!! Some small potatoes like me won't get to know anything behind this..." Howard signed, "And I saw a number of them heading to the north earlier today...."

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