Illusion Magic (part 3: Self-Explosion)

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Leafa pov.

"To do something I should do."

This appearance.... This voice.... It's.....

The ILLUSION MAGIC he talked about.

I remeber I saw this one on our way before.... It can't be...

It's the skeleton king with the huge sword....

Hold on.

It's tranformed by (p/n) right?

That means....


It's good that he's ok....

It's really.... Really good.... That's he's.... Ok....

Tears slipped down my face, I can't control it.... Thinking he's safe just makes me tear a lot....

"This form... It's illusion magic..." Kirito gasped.

The skeleton king (p/n) turned to me and he suddenly knelt down. What's he trying to do?


He suddenly touched my face and my hair gently, damn he's making my cheeks hot.... He even wiped my tears away.

I smiled to him. I'm really delighted.

He stood up and faced the salamanders.

"Tch. Everyone!!! He's just acting tough!!! Just finish him as we just did!!!!" The commander yelled, he's really annoying.

Boy, you shouldn't take another step forward, because you'll regret this.


Third person pov.

(p/n), aka Magician, performed one of his biggest magic tricks in his gaming life by becoming skeleton king.

The king stomped towards the salamamders and jumped high above the salamanders.

"F-fire!!!" The commander looked panicked and he ordered the mages to shoot him.

But the skeleton king stepped on one of the mages and killed him before they even chanted.

"W-what?!! I-it's the Skeleton King Alfred?!?!"One of the salamanders screamed.

Actually, this Skeleton King Alfred is a strong boss that's supposed to appear in a dungeon, just that it's placed in Sylvein to slow (p/n) down. Not long after (p/n) finished it off, this is widely spread among the sylphs as some rumors. But sadly they couldn't recognize (p/n) 's avatar, so the identity of the hero that killed the dungeon boss as a piece of cake remains a mystery.

"Don't worry!!! We defeated it before!!!! Just perform our usual strategy!!!" The commander shouted. Then the salamanders started shooting fireballs towards him, there are still 20 of them staying here fighting him.

At this moment, skeleton king (p/n) waved his right hand and attacked the shield salamanders, the salamanders blocked it reluctantly. Then there are 5 mages left (one of them is killed by (p/n)), 3 of them healed the trembling armored salamanders, then 2 of them shooted flames to the skeleton king. But the skeleton king didn't took this blow with the body of the skeleton and receive damage, instead, it blocked the flames with its sword.

Then when the salamanders were shocked seeing that this boss is intelligent, the commander immediately ordered without hesitation.

"Everyone attack its knees!!! Evade its stink breath attack!!!!" He shouted, then almost every salamanders attacked the skeletom's knees, but the skeleton is intelligent and it lifted its right leg up. The biggest salamander under its feet blocked its stomp and even pushed it back.

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