Chapter 15

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Cleo led Fei to the staff in the center of the room near the cloak on the ground. "Take us home," she said as she held Fei's hand. Suddenly, an image appeared using the magic of the orb. It was a picture of a man, who looked quite sad. "Father?" asked Fei as she began to walk closer towards the projection. "Yes, Fei. It's me. I'm so sorry you girls had to go through this, it was all my fault. Cleo, you probably don't even know who I am. I am your father, but your mother may have been right calling me a snake. I wasn't...the best I could be during that time. So, I humbly ask for your forgiveness." apologized Mr. Cornwell. "While we do understand what you have done is wrong, the important thing is, you acknowledged it. I thank you for doing that and therefore forgive you," replied Cleo. Mr.Cornwell began to cry, "You girls really do deserve better. I am so grateful for you kids. Now, let's go home." cried the father as the projection began to fade.  The orb wrapped around the two and placed them in a timeline filled with windows, in the middle of space. "Where are we?" asked Fei, confused by the location. "I'm not sure...Let's see" said Cleo as she peered inside one of the windows. She saw the castle, the staff and the cloak on the ground. "That's where we came from. " thought Cleo as she turned around to find Fei. Fei had looked into another window, she saw Cleo, but it was a different version of her. She worked as a doctor in an underground world with no light, except the lightbulbs hung around her room. "Odd." thought Fei as she went towards Cleo. "I think we are in a timeline or something like that. Each window leads to an alternate universe,"  commented Fei as she led Cleo through multiple windows. Finally, they stopped at one which had a familiar room of Mrs. Cornwell, with a glass of water on the table and the closet they hid in. "This is it," said Cleo as she led Fei into the window. As she stepped in, she noticed her body dissolve within the window...just like the mirror. As soon as they entered, they felt the world beneath began to turn in a fast motion. Their minds got dizzy as the light around them began to shine brighter as well. The light shone so brightly that they both had to close their eyes which ended up them losing each other. "Fei? No...." Cleo said as she no longer could feel her sister's hand. When she opened her eyes, she saw herself in a different location. It was definitely not the bedroom of Mrs. Cornwell or even inside the house. Cleo was outside, with green grass and a bright sun in the sky. The people were jolly and walking with each other outside the gates. She looked around and found Fei near a flower, carefully observing it. Cleo immediately ran to her and hugged her, "Fei! I'm so glad you are okay!". " Cleo? Of course, I'm okay silly!" giggled Fei as she turned towards her sister. Mrs. and Mr. Cornwell approached them along with Fred and Tiana. "You are all....alive?!?" exclaimed Cleo. "Of course, dear! Why wouldn't we be?" asked Mr. Cornwell as she held her husband's hand. "But..but...Fei?!? What is this??" asked Cleo in panic as she was confused. Had they not been dead? Had they just not defeated an evil sorcerer? Was this the wrong universe? "Cleo. You just need to breathe. We are just taken a family outing. I don't know what's happened to you. We have been here the whole time" reassured Fei. How was this possible?!? Fred laughed, "Cleo Cornwell! Losing your mind already? Haha!". What? Cleo Cornwel? Cleo began to think through everything. Then, the truth had hit her......the timeline effect. Since the sorcerer was playing with time, when she died, all the effects must have reversed. So, truly, nothing had just happened and nobody knew, except for Cleo herself. The family hugged Cleo, "Even though you are a bit wack, we will always love you." said Tiana. "Ha! Sometimes so wack it sounds like you came from a whole another universe!" giggled Fei. Cleo held her family tight as she embraced the true feeling of home and family. She finally had one. "You know what? Maybe I am.."

                                                                                The End!

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