Chapter 4

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"Oh Daddy, I can't wait! What's the news?" squealed Tiana Cornwell as her hands shivered from excitement. "Patience please, Tiana. As you all know, the infectious virus that has been consuming the world has kept us isolated in this house. New reports have claimed that the elders are more likely to gain it as they have weaker immune systems. Now as young as I may look.." continued Mr. Cornwell as he embraced the multiple chuckles from the audience. "..I am getting old, so is your mother. Therefore, I have written out and set in stone my will. All my fortune will be inherited by the family only after my death. " stated Mr. Cornwell. There was an odd silence within the room. Suddenly, the home cook cut through the silent atmosphere spoke saying "Let you all enjoy this special dinner like it's your last, you never know when the day of doom might occur.". The family rejoiced and dug into their meals as laughter and chatter could be heard through the halls. Fred and Fei were happily chatting about their day while Tiana and Mrs. Corwell was laughing and having fun. Just like the time it takes glass to shatter, all the light in the entire mansion had flickered off. "What is going on?" asked Fei as she frantically began to look around. "Don't worry Mr. and Mrs. Cornwell, I will take care of it!" said the maid as she hurried to the basement. A few thumping noises were heard as the maid descended the creaky steps in which shortly after, the lights turned back on. "Phew! I was so scared for a second.." said Fred as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. Everything returned back to normal and the family began to finish up their meals. Fei noticed her father being a bit cautious as he had started to breathe heavily and quickly sweat. "Are you okay, Father?" asked Fei. "I'm alright. Don't worry about me. I will be ending my dinner early tonight and go to bed. You make sure you finish yours too dear. " reassured Mr. Cornwell as he left the room. Soon, everyone had retired to their beds as the maids and butlers stayed late cleaning up the dining room. At the stroke of midnight, Mrs. Cornwell's scream could be heard across the entire mansion. Everyone hurried in their nightwear to the master bedroom only to be met by Mrs. Cornwell's overflowing tears. "He's.....he's...gone.." trembled Mrs. Cornwell as she told the news. Sadness sunk Fei's heart as she moved closer to her father. His sweat had covered his entire face which was now read. He had seemingly slept peacefully as he passed away. As Fei got closer, Mr. Cornwell held the hands of his daughter and said one word before he took his last breath, "Unidos". The home cook sobbed with Mrs. Cornwell, weeping, he said "We shall never forget him..". The doctor finally diagnosed the reason for death. " It was the case of poisoning. The patient had died while he was asleep as the poison hadn't taken effect till much later. I recommend everyone leave this room as we need to evacuate this body immediately." informed the doctor. Mrs.Cornwell hugged all her children close to her heart as she told them, "Children, we must stick together as a family. We are all we have left...". As Fei entered her bedroom, she couldn't stop thinking about how much she will miss her father and his last word. Uncontrollable tears flowed down her face as she stared out the window. Her father, friend, role model.....was dead. Then, she remembered all the peculiarities that had happened that night. How was her father, a healthy man, suddenly killed with poisoning? This was the work of a murderer in the house. Fei stood up resiliently as in determination. "Whoever he or she is, I will find the murderer of my father and I will expose them. No. Matter. What."

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