Chapter 5

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After taking a short nap, Cleo woke in fears of the same lucid dream as before. However, this time, she was able to swim closer to the woman and felt the tides against becoming weaker. Panting, Cleo woke up panicked as she rushed into the empty dark woods. Thin tree branches reached out making the sunlight sparse across the ground. The trail in front of her was dusty and gray. Cleo, diving in blindly, continued further into the forest knowing that time doesn't wait for anybody. The cops were still after her and the sun was beginning to set. Suddenly, she heard a rummage between the bushes in the distance. Running faster than before, Cleo felt the noise of the wind rushing behind her. Suddenly, she tripped over an object on the trail, only to find an arrow pointed right to her nose. "My forest, my rules. Expose me and I will end you.." a familiar but threatening voice came from behind the arrow. Suddenly, as fast as a lightbulb turns on, Cleo's mind clicked the puzzle pieces.....she knew this person. "Oh my gosh, Rio? Is that you?" called out Cleo smiling as she tilted her head away from the arrow. The boy put the arrow down and revealed his face. He had brown eyes and freckles, with a notable scar across his nose. As he stepped forward, his eyes shone in tears as he hugged Cleo. "Cleo!! I haven't seen you so long! I'm so glad you are still alive! Thank the stars!" praised Rio as he soaked Cleo in his joyful tears. "I know, I'm alive! Rio, I have missed you so much," replied Cleo as she held him close. Her mind drifted to her last memory of him in the haunted fire. Rio had helped Cleo escape the adoption center, however, as children, they were new to the world. As innocent as they were, they wandered in the the streets and greeting people as they go. Only problem was, not everyone was friendly in this world. They had started a fire on the street to trap and possibly even kill the children. Cleo remembered the flames in every direction she looked, but Rio had disappeared. The street was filled with screams of pain by the people and cries of loss. That was the day, Cleo's eyes were opened to the true dangers of the world. She had since assumed that Rio hadn't made it out the fire and was forced to continue without him. In the forest, Rio had led Cleo to his shelter near the stream. "That fire was horrible! However, I learnt how to take better care of myself now," concluded Rio as he explained his past. Cleo carefully observed her new surroundings. A treehouse was mounted near the lake in which there was a ladder made of twigs and vine. The stream looked lively and was filled with different animals. She noticed a squirrel on the porch of his window. "Awww! That's so cute!" she commented as she stepped closer to fully adore it. "Ah, yes! This is Alde, my pet squirrel. He has been a big help with my life out here. " Rio said as he introduced Alde. "Wow! You are doing so well, I'm proud of you! What happened to your arm?" questioned Cleo. "Well, I had a minor accident while I was gathering resources the other day. No biggie!" responded Rio as he looked at his arm with concern. "Show me your arm. I can fix it." Cleo said reassuringly. Being hopeful, Rio unravelled the makeshift gauze wrapped around his arm. Cleo held the arm and closed her eyes as she focused on the wound. Suddenly, her amulet glowed bright green as magic almost like pixie dust began to make it's way to the wound. It submerged itself to the skin making the skin heal faster to a point where the wound could no longer be there. " Thank you! How were you able to do that?" Rio asked amazed as stars lit up his eyes. "This amulet has magic that I can control. However, it doesn't always work and I can only use it when I really need it," replied Cleo smiling happily. A sound could be heard from the distance, getting louder as it got closer. Just before Cleo could say anything, it ended with the word "Ouch!". Examining the object, Cleo noted a poisonous dart had just hit Rio on his chest and the liquid had begun to disperse. Cleo began to act but was pushed away by Rio. "It's too late for me now! I know it must hurt to lose me again but you have to go. You are in danger staying here." Rio whispered as the poison began to take effect. Tears once again flooded Cleo's eyes, "But...but..". "Cleo, listen to me. You are too important to be lost, please go. Alde will escort you." concluded Rio with his weak voice and trembling body. Cleo looked out the window, blue uniforms had appeared through the thick bushes. Following Alde, she ran away from what was not a home but now a house. Her heart was heavy but her will was strong. She would complete her journey with Rio in her mind, no matter how long.

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