Chapter 2

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In another universe, a global pandemic is sweeping the nations killing people like germs against the soap. Every country is in lockdown as each family is isolated in their households. Not a single sound can be heard from the streets and neighbourhoods as they are deserted. Anyone who dares to go outside into the polluted atmosphere must wear a protective suit and mask to avoid any forms of contact with the virus. All medical facilities are running slow as resources are running low and patients are running high. Doctors, nurses and medical staff are now all alternating duties due to prioritization of treatment from more valued patients. Fei and her family had moved into a well-isolated mansion in the countryside. This was largely due to her parents who were at high risk due to old age. They were also very precautious and over-protective of Fei, her sister Tiana and her brother Fred. Oddly enough, Fei didn't mainly resemble anyone from her brown-haired family with blonde hair. She remembered joking around in her childhood of the vast difference. However, no matter the circumstance, her dear father was always there to comfort her and provide guidance. Looking out the window, she observed the butler bring the newspaper in the bright yellow suit. Being the heir of a wealthy family, there was one secret that only her father knew. Fei had the power of strong magic in which she could control with her eyes closed. It was once said that on her 5th birthday party, Fei could hypnotize the family pet into ridiculous commands of her friends. Due to her innocence, she didn't realize the consequences of her actions at the time which ultimately led to the pet's death. It had felt like a burden on her heart that she had to carry with her but she had promised to no longer use her magic. "Dinner time!" called out the home cook of the family. Fei calmly made her way downstairs to the dining room as her younger siblings raced each other. "Tiana! Fred! What despicable manner is this? You will not run in this household like beggars!" scolded Mrs. Cornwell. "Sorry mother!" said the children in unison, trying to hide their giggles. "And Fei? Do I need to provide you with a private invitation?" asked Mrs. Cornwell as she squinted at Fei. "No need to worry. I will come on time, next time." Fei calmly replied. "And to who are you making this promise? Adress your elders please." Mrs. Cornwell darted. "I will come on time, next time, mother," Fei repeated. At the dinner table, all the family members were seated mannerly in a straight posture ready to eat. The chefs served the meals as the maids filled all the glasses with water. Mr. Cornwell had picked up a glass and a spoon and lightly knocked it against the glass. "Attention everyone! I have some important news I must share with everyone..." stated Mr. Cornwell. "...and it's about my will."

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