Chapter 14

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"Hold my hand!" said Fei as she used her magic to pass Cleo through the mirror. After they passed through the mirror, Fei and Cleo familiarized themselves with a new area. Almost like a castle, but nothing realistic or anything to what they have seen before. Still holding Cleo's hand, Fei's heart took the front wheel as she ran straight into the center of the castle while following the cook. "STOP! You...You...CRIMINAL!" yelled Fei as her lungs ran out of breath. The cook was no longer running, instead, he had slowed down to a walking pace. Bravely, he appeared in front of Fei and Cleo. "This is just a disguise. I'm no cook. I can hardly cook an omelette. Haha!" said the cook as he shapeshifted into a woman with a cloak. She had orange wavy locks with an oval pale face. "Fei? Darling, do you recognize me?" asked the woman as she held Fei's chin. Fei slapped her hand and stated, "No. But you killed my family. " in anger with bright red cheeks. "Awww! Cute! But darling, don't bite the hand that fed you.." replied the woman as she walked to the throne. "Who are you? Why are you doing this? How are you related to Fei?" asked Cleo boldly. "Why? The question that has no answer that everyone seeks. How am I related to Fei?!? I am Fei's family. Whatever has left of it anyway..." said the woman with a crooked smile as she held her staff. Cleo and Fei ran towards the woman to attack her in aggression but they were pulled back and tightened with tree branches controlled by the woman. "Well, you see, I am a sorcerer. A sorcerer with the past..." continued the sorcerer. "Also, a sorcerer that will pay justice!" commented Cleo as she struggled with the branches. The branches tightened even more on Cleo, further constricting her body. "As I was saying, you both are definitely not your average women. Ever wondered where your magic came from?" the sorcerer asked while twinkling some dust in the air. "No...." whispered Fei as she stared at the woman. "Exactly. I am your mother. You two are my children. How? Well, it all happened when I met your father, known today as Mr. Cornwell, the billionaire. That snake, he used me like an old mop and took advantage of me. You see, before the Cornwells, I was in love with your father. We were a happily married couple. At some point, I decided to share some of my magic with him which is what lays in that amulet there. Anyways, I and your father had two children, one Fei and the other was a miscarriage in my world. However, I was able to save your life in another timeline to ensure your existence. The miscarriage had hit me like a rock, I was in a difficult time. Your father, he did nothing and abandoned the whole family as he took my only daughter and part of my own magic. Since that day, I had promised revenge on his current family to steal back all the magic taken from me. Hence, what will happen in a few seconds.." said the sorcerer as the orb in her staff began to grow. The sorcerer cast a spell on Fei as her magic began to be sucked in by the orb. Fei tried to use her magic to protect herself but it was no use. "Don't bother trying know you can't win. You are out of practice. " laughed the sorcerer as she began to use the orb's energy to empower herself. Cleo tried to move in, but nothing, she was stuck. "I will never call you mother..." continued Fei as she yelled out her emotions. Both Fei and Cleo were in amazement and shock. Cleo had believed her entire life that she had no family, yet here it was, already crumbling apart. She noticed as the sorcerer got busy threatening Fei and absorbing the magic, her control on the branches became weaker. She was getting distracted! "Now is the prime time!" thought Cleo. Cleo didn't inherit any magical genes from her parents. But the amulet had some magic in which Cleo could control. If she broke the amulet, she could absorb its energy to try and take the sorcerer down. She wiggled out her arm and grabbed her amulet and threw it on the stone floor. It cracked into a million shards as the magic evaporated and went into Cleo. She used all her strength to try and stop the orb from collecting Fei's magic and empowering the sorcerer. Within a flick, the sorcerer cast a magical bubble in Cleo's direction that burst her back into the tree. The roots tightened, even more, making it so that Cleo could feel her heartbeat through the roots. Fei felt her body tremble as her muscles pulsated slowly becoming weaker by the second. The sorcerer was consuming her through her powers! She tried to move but the roots were strong. "And don't think I have forgot about you!" yelled the sorcerer, as she motioned her staff towards Cleo. The orb had now begun to absorb Cleo's powers from the amulet as well. As the orb absorbed more energy, the sorcerer laughed while embracing her power, "Yes....YES! This is what I need, I deserve. Watch! When all your powers are drained, not only will I wipe out your entire family, but I will gain everything in that will. Your father had a chance to right his wrongs, but he chooses another woman instead. That day I killed him, it wasn't as satisfying as I thought.....but I couldn't handle the thought of his genes or anything even related to him still being existing today.". Fei thought she had to distract the sorcerer, it was the only way to weaken her power on them. Since the orb had been powering her, that had to be destroyed too! "What have you done with the cook then? " asked Fei, hiding her motives. " see..." continued the sorcerer as she began to explain her possession of the man. Fei began to feel the roots slowly loosen up. Fei tried to ever so slightly move her body to let herself free. Cleo's heart was in her mouth as she panicked on what to do. One wrong move and they will soon be dead. Suddenly, she remembered her bond with Fei, the day they had met...she turned towards Fei and said, "Fei, even though I don't know you, I wouldn't think twice of calling you, my sister.". Fei's eyes twinkled as she replied, "You have just come and fixed my life without expecting anything in return. You are more of a Cornwell than me.". They stared at each other's eyes, feeling the same bond they did before. The sorcerer observed this and enraged as she started to fully constrict the women, "ENOUGH! TIME TO FINISH THIS!". As the roots wrapped around her neck, Fei thought of her father and how much he had meant to her. She remembered his last words, "Unidos." with her heart as he held her hand and died before her. Cleo remembered the repetitive dreams that had motivated her journey. She thought of one of the first messages she received from her dream, the word "Unidos". Even though physically unnoticeable, something else had taken presence. The sorcerer felt it and started looking around in confusion, "What is this presence that I feel?". Suddenly, in unison, Cleo and Fei began to chant, "Unidos. Unidos. UNIDOS! Bonded together, family forever.". The roots crumbled beneath them as they levitated into the air. The girls levitated towards each other and held their hands. Fei's and Cleo's eyes opened, but instead of eyes, they were a dazzling ball of energy shining through. The sorcerer threatened, immediately used her staff and directed a channel of harmful magic in their way. Cleo and Fei, stayed unbothered and unaffected, rather, sucking in the magic cast at them. Fei stated, "We are sorry mother..." in which Cleo ended the statement, "...but we have no choice.". Together, they lifted their hands towards the orb and cast all their magical force at the orb. "No!NO! AHHHHHH!" screamed the sorcerer as she fell on her knees. Her body began to shrivel up and fade into dust until all that was left, was just a dark cloak on the floor. Immediately, the girls crashed to the floor both hitting their heads. "Ow!" said Cleo as she felt her head throb. "Uhhh...CLEO! You're okay!" exclaimed Fei as she went to go hug her sister. "I have already lost you once. I'm not letting you go again. Let's go home."

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