Chapter 9

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That night, Cleo had decided to sleep nearby a hotel building as it had the essential services needed to survive. Back in her dreams, she felt something different about her. Cleo still had her orange locks and ability to swim, but it almost felt like she was bigger than the ocean. In fact, she didn't have to swim, Cleo could just walk towards the lady, which she now assumed was most likely Fei. Her previous dream had instructed her to find this lady. However this time, Cleo was able to confront Fei. There was no invisible barrier, powerful tides or anything of that sort. Once Cleo got to Fei, she realized what it was that made her feel different. Cleo was the same size as Fei, she was no longer a miniature being! "Please stop crying! I want to help you" said Cleo. Fei looked up to Cleo in tears, "I have lost everything. My whole family is dying. My life is a mess." she sobbed. Cleo chuckled, "Well that makes us even. I don't have a family.". Suddenly, Fei's tears stopped and she asked, "How? How are you so strong despite this?". "Dear Fei, life might be a tragedy sometimes. But always believe in good. A family doesn't always have to those biologically related to you, it can also be the ones that care about you as well. If life has taught me anything, it's to keep moving on. It's the most powerful skill one can master, the skill of being able to get back up from your downfalls." responded Cleo as she offered her hand. Fei seemed deep in thought as she truly absorbed Cleo's advice. "I guess you are right," said Fei as she accepted Cleo's hand and got up. They wrapped their arms around each other and hugged tightly knowing and sharing the pain. Suddenly, the ocean of tears seemed to evaporate slowly as they hugged. Cleo had felt a deep connection to this woman, despite knowing absolutely nothing about her. "It will be alright", she reassured while stroking Fei's hair. The first ray of the sun had shone on her face and Cleo had taken it to be her morning call. Somehow, she must find Fei Cornwell. Guessing from her dream, it must be easier to find her now. She grabbed her things and began to walk down the empty sidewalk. She wore a mask so nobody could recognize her. Suddenly, she saw somebody in a blue uniform. Cleo had to take a double glance to ensure that it wasn't an officer. Sure enough, they were running right to Cleo and she knew it was time to start running again. "There's the girl! Corner her!" yelled the officer, and suddenly another guard appeared in front of her. In shock, Cleo crossed the road and began to run through the buildings. "You can't run away from us this time!" the officers threatened. "How is this possible?! I'm in a whole another universe!" Cleo thought as she panicked. To her demise, she had sub-consciously ran in a dead end. "We got ya now missy!" said the officers as they closed in on her and put on handcuffs. "Great! We got her! Now what?" said one officer. "Oh. Guess we didn't go that far into the plan yet" replied the other officer ashamed. "YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT WE ARE STUCK HERE WITH HER?!?" yelled the first officer as he face palmed himself. "Hmm...I do suppose we can bring her to court here.." replied the other officer as he made sure he had the arrest papers. "Whatever. We don't really have an option I guess" concluded the officer as they both grabbed her and began to drag her to the court. Cleo had blacked out instantly due to her pure shock and panic. When she re-opened her eyes, she found herself handcuffed to a standing bench near the judge. The officers were on the opposition benches and her belongings had been stripped from her and placed near the entrance. The attorney walked forward to Cleo and said, "Hello. Please state your name.". "Cleo. My name is Cleo." Cleo responded quickly. The attorney walked towards the officers and said, "Hello. Please state your names and occupations.". The first officer responded, "My name is Jeff and my pal here is Ran. We are officers from another universe.". The attorney stared at the officers and chuckled, "Riiighhht. I suppose the judge will take it from here on.". The judge started flipping through her papers and began saying, "Officers, you have came to make an arrest of this woman here, named Cleo. Please state your reason for the arrest.". "Well of course! We were sent here to capture her. You see, she's a runaway from an orphanage and is considered a legal criminal." Ran responded with pride. " Hmm. Okay. May I see your papers for arrest, gentlemen?" asked the judge as she continued taking notes. "Oh no! I have got to stop this. Maybe I can use my amulet to help me change the words on those papers." thought Cleo. She closed her eyes and began to mentally connect with the amulet. The amulet gave a faint glow as the papers were given to the judge. "Ahh, a common mistake. Gentlemen, I asked for Arrest Papers. Not validity of your driving licence." calmly replied the judge as she looked through the sheets. "That's not possible! Those are the Arrest Papers! Let me see!" shouted Jeff as he stormed off the bench towards the judge. The attorney quickly intervened and reassured, "Now, now. No need to get aggressive. Here I will hand the papers to you. Please return to your bench.". The attorney quickly took the papers from the judge and showed the officers. Jeff and Ran were awestruck as they too, saw the validity of their licences. "But, but...I swear those were the right papers!" stumbled Jeff as he held his head. "Sorry sir but you need some evidence to arrest her. Until then you are detained here as there are several fees that you also need to pay due to this arrest case. " stated the judge. She collected and started organizing her notes from the case as the judge now turned to Cleo. "Miss Cleo, since we don't have previous records of you anywhere, you too will be detained until you are claimed. Who do you belong to and give me some form of evidence please." said the judge as she looked at her watch. "Oh no! What do I do? Wait, I have got an idea.." thought Cleo. "My evidence is in my bag. May I please be excused to get it?" asked Cleo. "No need, the attorney will get it for you," said the judge swiftly. As soon as Cleo got the bag, she put her head deep into the bag while searching for some scrap papers. She again, connected with her amulet so that the papers seemed legitimate and could be passed as evidence. "Ah! Here it is!" exclaimed Cleo as she gave the papers to the judge. The judge carefully inspected the paper and asked, "Miss Cleo, it says here that you have come here with permission to work as a maid in the Cornwell household. May we have somebody that you have direct contact within that household?". "Yes. Fei Cornwell." replied Cleo confidently. "We will get in contact with her to ensure this is true. Until then you are to be detained here until she comes here to pick you up and confirm these documents." said the judge as she kept the paper in her folder. "Court adjourned". Cleo was taken by a security guard and put to a detainment cell nearby. "Fei? If you can hear me, I need you right now. I cannot stay here!" thought Cleo willfully as she clenched her teeth and looked down into the gray floor of her cell.

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