Chapter 6

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In the courthouse, the Cornwell family had assembled onto the benches dressed in appropriate black attire. The family was currently in mourning as many held soaked handkerchiefs with them. " Last night, at around 12:00 AM, Mr. Cornwell was reported dead due to poisoning. We are all here today to read his will and split the inheritance." announced the judge. A suited woman from the side-bench walked up to the judge and gave her a scroll. The judge unrolled the last will of Mr. Cornwell and began reading, " I, Mr. Cornwell, hereby declare to split my business, estate, bank accounts and land among my family after I die. The recipients should be my loving wife, Karen Cornwell and our three children, Tiana Cornwell, Fred Cornwell and Fei Cornwell. 30% of my bank account savings shall go to my wife and the rest of my belongings shall be split as follows: 50% to my first biological child, 19% to the next child within the current family and 2% to the last child within the current family.". " documents are always phrased so weirdly. Don't you think?" whispered Fred. "Yea, I guess. It would suck to be the last child though, wonders why Father split his will so unevenly..." replied Tiana. "Does anybody reject these statements?" asked the judge. Fei, Mrs. Cornwell and Fred stood in opposition and lined up near the judge. Fei went first, "It's not fair at all for the last child, which is me as I am adopted. Why do the other family members get such an advantage? I was the closest to Father and I loved him dearly!" complained Fei. With tears running down her face, she silently walked away and returned to the bench. Mrs. Cornwell was next, " Don't you think the money shouldn't be shared with the children at such an early age? It could ruin their character, I best believe it be left with me for now." commented Mrs. Cornwell before she returned to her seat. Next was Fred, "I and Tiana were born around the same time. Who is the first biological child?" asked Fred in which later he returned to his seat. "In consideration of all your concerns, the court has decided to take a DNA test and look into previous medical records. However, in terms of legally with concerns against the will, we can only do what the will says. As for the DNA test, please cooperate with the medical staff on the bench close to the exit and spit into the given sample tube. Thank you so much. The court is adjourned." concluded the judge. Everyone followed the orders and gave a sample of their DNA as they left to return home. Fei felt betrayed in her heart by her own father, but if she knew one thing, it was to always appreciate what you have, even if it's unjustified. Back at home, there was more news with the butler's announcement, "Welcome home, Cornwells. I must alert you, the home cook has been quarantined and removed from the household. From the unfortunate death of Mr. Cornwell, the doctor had placed a test on everyone to check if they might have the deadly virus outside. The results had come back today and the home cook had tested positive. The maids will now take over his duty.". Mrs. Cornwell discussed the matters with the butler and asked all her children to go to her rooms. Soon, Fei began her investigation of the death of her father. Since the father's death was caused by poisoning, Fei's first suspects were the kitchen staff. A maid was cleaning the dishes while others were preparing for the next meal. "Who is the head chef here on the night of the death of Mr. Cornwell?" asked Fei. "Well, that would be me." answered another home cook. Fei and home cook headed towards the conference room to discuss. "What were you doing the night of the death? What was the original home cook doing the night of the death? What do you think of Mr. Cornwell's death?" asked Fei in an intimidating manner. "Wow, calm down! It's not me! I was cleaning dishes that night. The original home cook was responsible for the meals. However, he was feeling sick on those days. Sometimes, he would act like a whole different person, many were scared of him. On the day of Mr. Cornwell's death, I did notice he wasn't the happiest man. He seemed to be angry that Mr. Cornwell had written his will only towards his family. Mr. Cornwell and the home cook knew each other on a personal level too. He must have felt betrayed. " responded the home cook. "Hmm....who do you suppose could have done it then?" asked Fei. "Well, I'm not sure. But the home cook did try out a new spice in those dishes. He told none of us to touch it. That might be something? Oh! I remember Fred beingly oddly helpful in the kitchen that night as well...." responded the home cook. Fei thanked the home cook for his cooperation and told him to keep the discussion private. Fei walked into the kitchen and confiscated the new spice. "BOOM!", a gunshot had been fired. Fei ran up the stairs and saw her dear brother, Fred, bleeding from a wound near his neck. "Fred, what happened? Speak to me!" rushed Fei as she held her brother close to her. "It was eyes...Bookshelf...Secret...Pink envelope....last wish" was the last words, Fred could whisper before his heart stopped. Fei was heart-broken as she let go of her brother and watched her brother be taken away by the ambulance. Following her brother's wish, Fei went to Fred's bookshelf and searched the books. She removed a book with a pink envelope sticking outside. Her eyes widened as she revealed the contents of the envelope. This was her father! But not the father that she knew....

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