Fire & Rescue

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*The time has finally come where I can get back into my writing groove! I let the A.I have the spring break off since she needs to get a break from all the hustle and bustle of work life. Nevertheless, she'll be back in a week, hopefully she surfed the web. So since she isn't here, I'll start the transmission for today!
Now how do I-?*
Beginning Transmission....
The prince dropped me off close to the borders of the Fire Nation. Seeing him slink into the darkness was quite perturbing, but it was nice of him to do so. There's something about bad boys that make me feel giddy inside. Maybe it's the way they act and dress all the time in their dark clothes...
So anyways, he dropped me off with a warning that gave me chills.
"(Y/N) whatever you do, do not look into any mirrors and stay away from dark places." Onyx warned me, glaring. "Lilth is a crafty Goddess of Darkness and Deceit. She will use her domain to ensnare and entrap you, but if she does manage to do this, you are doomed. Carry a light with you at all times and never travel alone if necessary."
I tried to figure out where the heck I was going. Wandering around on a foreign planet was never a good idea. I wonder how the others were doing, if they were still alive or not. Scorpio might be the biggest worrywart that would worry about me aside from Comet. This planet is filled with dangers from the shadows to the princes themselves. What is the cause of all this strife and what does it have to do with me?
The sound of hooves interrupted my thoughts as I saw warriors wearing red and gold armor approach me. The two lead horsemen stopped just before my face and dismounted right in front of me. They both had fiery red hair and equally bright eyes as they stared at me in awe.
"Wow, she's way prettier up front than in any of the texts we read." The one on the left said, smirking slightly. "I definitely feel the blessings of her radiant beauty shining upon me."
"Now brother, we are only here to bring her back to the resort. Leave the flirting for later." The other one said, smiling softly at me. "My name is Photon and the idiot standing over there is Chroma. We are the two princes of the Fire Nation and representatives as well."
I nodded, not understanding fully what was going on. When I was at the other kingdoms, the prince that was at my ceremony was present to show me around and get to know me better. Why is his brothers here instead of Corona? He seemed to be the type of person to be here since he has such an infatuation with me. I kinda like him too, he seemed to be the calmest of the bunch. Borealis was a bit cold, no pun intended, Viridian was too bubbly, and Westar was an enigma to figure out. Corona was nice and simple, a sweetheart if I'd ever met one. He reminded me a bit of Scorpio. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Chroma waving a hand in front of my face.
"Hey Goddess, we are about to head back. Why don't you hop onto my horse and we can ride away in the sunset?" He joked, winking at me. I gave him an annoyed look before looking at Photon.
"Is it fine if I ride with you instead?" I asked him, eliciting a squeak of protest from Chroma. Photon looked a bit shocked at first, but I saw him recover quickly as he hoisted me onto his horse. The horse's back was nice and warm, like a bright sunny summer's day. I've never been horseback riding before, the animals were not indigenous to my home region. The Lunar Colony had no animals to call their own since the atmosphere was too thin for any to survive. Only humans lived in the dome city and barely did anything to try to provide for animals. When I read stories about Terra, I was fascinated by the many animals that had once dominated the once prosperous planet. If only my ancestors had not ruined everything...
"Hold on tightly please." Photon told me, wrapping his arms around my (small/large) frame. I flinched at the close contact, not used to be this close to a male in my whole life. Scorpio was at least gentleman enough to not push his limits with me, but this was a new feeling for me. As we rode towards the resort, my thoughts were only occupied by one thing...
Where the heck is Corona?
"Ooh! I think the time has come for you to unleash your inner potential! I think your family will be proud!"
Corona checked the numerous darken mirrors around before grinning with a fanged mouth. His hair was grown out longer and more wilder with glowing red eyes to match his new features. His clothes were ripped and ragged since he had been training in the ways of darkness. Onyx watched him from the shadows, slightly scared and impressed by the most quiet prince's transformation. He embraced his more monstrous side faster than the others thanks to his mother. The Lava Golem inside him was silenced for awhile until he unleashed its full power.
"Thank you, I thought for sure I would crack under the pressure of how powerful this form of mine is." Corona said, flexing his muscles. "Now (Y/N) will have no choice but to be with me. No stupid rivals, no worries of power, and definitely-" He shot a fireball at a random mirror, smashing it to pieces. "NO BROTHERS TO RUIN MY CHANCES!"
Lilth appeared in the massive mirror behind him, cross. "Hey! Careful where you aim those fireballs! This is my chamber of mirrors where most of my powers come from!" Her mirrors pulsed with purple and black light at her anger. "Ruin one again and I shall have your head!"
Corona bowed politely, trying not to anger her. "Dully noted miss. I'm just shocked to find out there's another Goddess out here too. I just assumed there was only the Goddess of Light."
Lilth turned her eye towards her hidden son who was watching the whole time. "Nobody likes embracing the darkness inside them, simply put they would prefer being the light of all things. If we all were hidden in the shadows, it would make life so much easier!" 
Corona smirked as he summoned a darker flame to dance around his hands. "If being in darkness means that I can protect (Y/N), then I will gladly step into the shadows!"
Ooh! Corona has become a bad boy with a nice bod now! What's gonna happen to poor reader next? Well let's take a sneak peek of next chapter!
The crowd was quiet as Corona stepped through it, glaring at anyone that got in his way. Approaching the throne which was rightfully his, he was relieved to see (Y/N) sitting down ever so gracefully with a new dress the no doubt Rouge had made. She was adorned with the jewelry that he'd created for her all those years ago. The best part of this whole thing was the dress she wore was his favorite colors of red and gold. It was taking all his willpower not to grab her right then and there and strip her to her natural glory. She was probably ravishing underneath her dress...
"Well my dear..." His deep voice resonated throughout the room. "You are smoking sexy!"

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