Chapter 44

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"What do you want?" I stand in front of him, heart racing.
"I'm here to apologise. And to ask you... To ask what you told the police."
"Apologise? You saved my life." I look at my worn boots awkwardly.
"It... It was kinda my fault. Um, I'm sorry for school and for what happened and stuff."
"I want answers." My voice becomes louder and louder. "Why me? What f******* money!?"
"I'm not sure. I... I told my dad bout you at school. How much you had pissed me off. Managed to catch your name and well... Dad has contacts, people who can find out everything about anyone. Said you had some money or some s*** I dunno."
I am taken aback, shocked.
"Where is he now?" I whisper, my throat hoarse, sound barely coming from my mouth.
"Done a runner when he heard you told the coppers bout him. Did you mention me?"
I shake my head slowly.
"Anyway," he mutters, shuffling around nervously, nodding goodbye.
I climb the stairs, dumbfounded.
How quickly a day can change...
I plug in headphones, music being my escape from the world. "And we'll never be royals (royals) it don't run in our blood..."
I collapse onto my cold, uncomfortable covers. Unsure of myself. Unsure of everything..

Hi again, it's Ruby. You're probably really bored of me saying this but please enter my cover competition (ends at the end of December 2014) love ya x

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