Chapter 31

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I'm allowed off school for a couple of weeks. On Tuesday I am told that I have some visitors.
Two police officers, a man and a woman.
"Excuse me, Miss Smithson?"
I pull out my headphones, sitting up from my slouched position, "Um, how can I help?"
They come closer to me, shutting the door behind them.
"We're here as part of the investigation about your kidnapping."
"Now, we understand that this is rather a personal issue, but we need you to answer all of our questions as well as you can." The woman speaks.
I nod in agreement, swallowing the lump in my throat.
"Can you describe the person or people that took you? Anyone you saw?"
I pause, "There was one man, tall, very tall. He had pale skin and very short dark hair. He was wearing a black t-shirt and ripped navy jeans. He had a sleeve of tattoos and a massive scar across one side of his face. That's all I remember."
"There was just one man?" He asks, scribbling something in a notebook.
"Yeah, just one."
"Do you know whereabouts you were taken? Can you describe as best you can your surroundings?"
"Above some shop or something. Maybe a chippie or a takeaway place. It reaked of chip fat and dead animals." I gulp, "Behind it there was a little garden thing, covered in concrete. It took me a couple hours, injured to walk to the petrol station. Would be a lot less in a car."
"Ok, that's enough for now. Thank you for your time." They leave the room and I fall back onto my bed, plugging back in my headphones and hitting play.

When she is home Sienna comes and joins me in my room; we snuggle under my duvet; watching old YouTube videos for hours. I make a small braid in her long hair, pulling it round in front of her face to give the appearance of a moustache. We giggle, laughing at how stupid we look.

"SIENNA!" Ms Abbot calls.
"There are two very important people here to see you."

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