The World Will Know

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Chris’s Pov.
Jack and I walked out of the lodging house the next morning, seeing everyone in a panic. 

“Blink what’s going on?”

“They Jacked up the price! Can you believe that Jack? Ten cents more a hundred! Ya know it’s bad enough we gotta eat what we don’t sell, now they jacked up the price! Can you believe that?”

I picked up a pebble, throwing it at Oscar who was mimicking Kid Blink from behind, hitting him square in the forehead. 

“This’ll bust me, I’m barely makin it right now”

Skittery grumbled.

“I’ll be back sleepin on the streets”

Boots followed.

“It don’t make no sense. With all the money Pulitzers makin. Why would he gouge us?”

Mush questioned.

“He’s a right wad that’s why”

I growled.

“Everyone relax. It’s gotta be a gag”

Jack grumbled walking up to the distribution window. 

“So why the jack-up Weasel?”

“Why not?”

Weasel liked his finger pretending to check the wind.

“It’s a nice day. Why doncha ask Mr. Pulitzer?”

We all blew him off. Jack and I sat on the steps thinking of what to do. We can’t let them do this to us, I know that. 

“It ain't fair. We got no rights!”

Boots exclaimed.

“Come on guys we don’t gotta choice, so let’s just get our lousy papes while we still can”

Mush whined but we stopped him.

“No, wait hold on! Nobodys goin anywhere!”

I yelled. All the Newsies started complaining at me and Jack crowding around us.

“We’re not gonna let them do this!”

I shouted over everyone. Les came through making everyone step back.

“Clear out guys. Let them think, let them think!”

Everyone backed up, Blink passed Jack a cigarette before taking a few puffs and handing it to me to do the same. Everyone stood around waiting for an answer.

“Hey guys ya done thinkin yet?”

Race asked, being impatient.

“Hey hey! World employees aloud on this side of the gate!”

Weasel yelled, we all yelled back telling him to can it. I stood up so I could become taller.

“Look! One things for sure, we aint goin back to that window till they put the price back where it was”

I concluded.

“Yeah if we’re not sellin papes, then no one’s sellin papes”

Jack added.

“What like a strike?”

Davey asked.

“Yeah like a strike!”

Jack exclaimed, making all the Newsies roll their eyes and grumble.

“Hey it’s a good idea!”

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