Carryin the Banner

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Chris's Pov.
I had managed to get a bit of sleep before I heard Mr. Kloopman come in and start waking everyone up. He reached my bunk, where I slept above my best friend Racetrack "Race" Higgins. 

"Hey Chris! Chris! Up get up! Come on"

Mr. Kloopman yelled, poking my side tickling me.

"Get up! Get up! What ya dreamin bout huh? Sellin ya papes?"

I shoved his hands away from me.

"Aye leda kid sleep ya crazy ol man!"

"Come on Chris! Get up! Carryin the banner! Sell the papes! Sell the papes!"

Mr. Kloopman yelled, walking away from me. I sighed deciding that I might as well keep spinning with the rest of the world. I jumped down from the bunk to find Race looking for something, I looked over to see Snipeshooter tasting one of his cigars. I nudged Race pointing to Snipeshooter.

That's my cigar.

You'll steal another.

Hey bummers we got work to do. 

Splitting up the two boys. 

Since when did you become me mother?

Ah, stop your bawling!

Who asked you?!
We all walked around, getting dressed and ready for the day. Mush walked up to Jack and I as I pulled a light brown dress shirt over my white night shirt, tucking it in my beige pants and slipping on my red suspenders over top.

"So how'd you sleep Jack?"

"On me back Mush"

Mush started laughing obnoxiously.

"Here that Chris here what Jack said! I asked Jack how he slept and he said on me back Mush!"

I chuckled, shoving him away while Crutchy hobbled over.

"Hey Chris when I walk, does it look like I'm faken it?"

"Nah, who says ya faken it?"

"It's just there's so many fake krips out there, a real crip ain't got a chance. I gotta find me a new sellin spot where they ain't used to seein em"

Try Bottle Alley or the harbor. 

Try Central Park, it's guaranteed.
Try any banker, bum, or barber. 

They almost all knows how to read. 

Kid Blink:
I smell money
You smell foul! 

Met this girl last night. 

He smiled, blocking Crutchy from a flying fist.

Ah, move your elbow! 

Pass the towel!
For a buck I might!

I teased, swinging it infront of his face before Jack grabbed it from me, throwing it to Race. 

Ain't it a fine life carrying the banner through it all?
A mighty fine life carrying the banner tough and tall!
Every morning we goes where we wishes,
We's as free as fishes,
Sure beats washing dishes.
What a fine life carrying the banner home free all! 

We all ran past poor Mr. Kloopman trying to get a headcount, and out onto the street. In addition to my dress shirt and pants, I was also now wearing a grey newsboy cap, a worn out orange vest, with my icon bright red handkerchief tied around my wrist. We ran down alleys jumping on crates and mostly causing disruption. 

Summer stinks and winter's waiting,
Welcome to New York!
Boy, ain't nature fascinating
When you's gotta walk.
Still it's a fine life, carrying the banner with your chums. (it's a fine life)
A mighty fine life (carrying the banner with your chums)
Blowing every nickel as it comes. (a mighty fine life)
(Blowing every nickel as it comes) 

I'm no snoozer!
Sitting makes me antsy,
I likes living chancy,

Harlem to Delancy
What a fine life, carrying the banner through the slums! 

Some Nuns gathered around to hand out food. 

Blessed children,
Though you wander lost and depraved,
Jesus loves you.
You shall be saved. 

just give me half a cup 

Kid Blink:
something to wake me up 

I gotta find an angle
I gotta sell more papes 

papers is all I got
wish I could catch a breeze
sure hope the headlines hot 
all I can catch is fleas
God help me if it's not
somebody help me please 

If I hate the headline
I'll make up a headline,
And I'll say anything I have ta.
'Cause it's two for a penny
If I take too many Weasel just makes me eat 'em after.
Look they putting up a headline!
What's it say? (you call that a headline)
That won't pay! (I get better stories)
So where's your spot? (from the copper on the beat)
God, it's hot! (I was gonna start with twenty)
Will ya tell me (but a dozen will be plenty)
Tell me how'm I gonna make ends meet?
We need a good assassination!
We need an earthquake or a war!

How 'bout a crooked politician?

Hey stupid, that ain't news no more!

A bunch of boys threw their hats at him.

Uptown to Grand Central Station,
Down to City Hall.
We improves our circulation
Walking 'til we fall!
Still we'll be out there
Carrying the banner man to man!
We'll be out there
Soakin' all the suckers that we can
See the headline:
Newsies On A Mission.
Kill the competition
Sell the next edition.
While we're out there
Carrying the banner. Go!
* - * - * - *

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