Yous was pretty distracted

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Chris's Pov.
The next day was the day of the rally. Medda had happily agreed to let us use her music hall for it, which helped a lot. The only thing was... she said if we were gonna use the hall... I had to sing. Now I know I'm not an awful singer, but I'm not that great either. So I was kinda dreading tonight, but also couldn't wait. We were currently down stairs trying to make stike signs.

"So'd I spell it right Kloopman?"

I asked. None of us really knew how to read or write, except Davey and Les really. Jack was alright, I was hopeless.

"Very close Chris. Ya K is backwards and you drew your i upside down. But it's very close"

I groaned in annoyance. Why couldn't I do this!? Although I didn't have much time to worry about it because Snider entered the doors. I panicked and jumped from the front desk towards Race and Mush.

"What? Chris what's-


I pointed over to the door.

"Do you have a boy who calls himself Jack Kelly, I wish to see him"

Snider asked Kloopman. Oh God. Mr. Kloopman knew about everything in the refuge.

"Kelly. Jack Kelly? Sorry never heard that name before"

Kloopman lied. Oh thank God. Okay I have to get out of here, but how'm I gonna do that he's standing right at the front door!

"Alright what about a different first name, Chris?"

My eyes widened, and so did the other boys. Oh boy.

"Chris Kelly? No I'm not sure about that in either, but tell ya what. Say any you boys ever heard of a Jack or Chris Kelly?"

Kloopman yelled. Specs and Kid Blink stood in front of me, because they were tall, although granted everyone was taller than me here.

"That's an unusual name in these parts"

Specs lied. Jack came into the room stopped by a few other Newsies.

"Oh you mean Jack and Chris Kelly? Ya they were here... but they put an egg in their shoes an, beat it"

Race jokes. I rolled my eyes. Of all the times Race. We all laughed as Jack quickly ducked behind Snider coming closer to me. There was a side door we could sneak out of.

"I have reason to believe they are escaped convicts, possibly dangerous"

Me and Jack began to mock Snider from behind him. Mouthing words like "Dangerous, me?".

"The sister, Chris has escaped for the second time quite recently"

I looked at the others in shock. He knew I was there? We all got nervous at that. Jack instantly got very protective and held my hand.

"Oh, well in that case I'd better check my books. Please follow me"

Snider turned towards us but we quickly ducked behind as a group gathered to shield us with strike posters.

"Give to the Newsie strike governor?"

Race asked. I didn't hear much after that because me and Jack left the lodging house, heading down to Daveys. I stopped outside.


Jack asked.

"I think I'll just, leave ya to ya goil"

I don't know why, but there was something about the Jacobs that made me sad. Jack sighed, obviously not wanting me to be off alone right now.

"Chris. I'd really rather ya just stay with me"

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