You're Cruisin for a Bruisin Jack

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Chris’s Pov.
We walked to David's, and I wasn't overly thrilled. I never totally liked the idea of parents. We walked in the door and David's Mother was instantly worried about the sleeping Les draped over my brother's shoulder.

"My God what happened!?"

"Nothin Ma he's just sleepin"

Jack handed Les off to his Mother before standing beside me. 

"We've been waiting diner on ya"

Davey's Father reminded. Davey emptied all our money out on the table, everyone stared in shock.

"You made this much selling newspapers?"

His Father said in shock

"Well half of it's there's. These are our selling partners, uh and our friends. Jack Kelly and his sister Chris. Jack and Chris my parents"

We both shook their hands

"And that's my sister Sarah"

Davey pointed to a girl around Jack's age. Jack was instantly entranced. I nudged him, bringing him back to reality. 

"Why don't you two stay for dinner. Dear why don't you go add a little more water to the soup"

David's Mother walked into the kitchen.

"We don't wanna impose"

I shook my head.

"Not at all. Come sit down"

David's Father smiled. Jack was quite quick to sit down. Sarah came up to me. 

"Chris come with me won't you?"

"Oh I uh"

My brother shoved me with his foot making me walk towards Sarah. I turned to him glaring.

"I outta soak ya Jackie"

Sarah giggled before pulling me towards her room. I was small but cozy. 

"Sarah with all do respect I ain't puttin on one o ya fashionable death traps"

She giggled again.

"No I figured. Come sit"

She motioned to her vanity. I reluctantly sat down as Sarah began to do my hair, something I was definitely not used to.

"How did you and Jack end up on the street as Newsies?"

"Are parents left when I's was only six. They went out West lookin for a place for us all to live. I don't remember anythin though. I got in a accident when I's was seven, lost all my memory, never got it back"

Sarah's eyes widened

"My God, that's awful!"

"Nah. All's I needed to remember was Jack, I'm doin alright ain't I?"

She smiled and nodded. Once she finished my hair we walked out to see everyone eatin diner.

Jack and Davey's eyes instantly went wide in shock.

"Wow. Chris your hair looks so different!"

Davey exclaimed

"Yeah. I ain't sure I's eva seen ya look so girly in ya life!"

Jack smirked.

"You're cruisin for a bruisin Jack"

I glared as I sat at the table and began to eat. I don't think I've ever eaten so much in one night.

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